Example sentences of "is [adv] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is presumably what happens in the cases of light , match and race discussed above .
2 This is exactly what happened to the London Regional Team when Divisional Managing Director , Peter Kelly , agreed to an evening of Tenpin Bowling at Streatham 's ‘ MEGABOWL ’ .
3 However , that is exactly what happened on the 7th of September this year when Christy , 65 , from Kelburne Drive , was reunited not only with his British comrades but also the Germans he bravely fought against .
4 This is exactly what happened in the Australian case of McRae v. Commonwealth Disposals Commission ( 1951 ) .
5 What is crucial for our concerns here is that such a ‘ mentality ’ or ideology is constructed ; it is not something imposed by the form of literacy itself as though the ‘ technology of the intellect ’ , as Goody terms it , were determinate .
6 Women have long been politically active ; it is not something confined to the present wave of feminism .
7 But this is not what happened in the early seventies .
8 Even if such a customer is on an excursion , it is not one organised by the trader .
9 Val enjoys her work ; her husband , who is a milkman , is able to tie in his shifts with hers at the hospital so that there is always someone to look after the children .
10 And there is still plenty to do in the garden where she is planting vegetables and some more varieties of fruit trees .
11 This is probably what accounts for the fact that being featured in one of those articles entitled ‘ Faces to Watch in the New Year ’ , or worse , ‘ Who Will Be Who in the Coming Decade ’ is almost inevitably a ticket to total oblivion .
12 This is often what lies behind the suspicion which is aroused by widows , divorcees , and unhappily married women whom men who already have partners are so keen to help .
13 Something comparable , and no less surprising , had happened a century earlier with the art-criticism of John Ruskin , and there is often something unnerving in the spectacle of an activity once thought of as specialist and tedious catapulted into sudden acclaim .
14 Is n't one subsumed by the other ?
15 Is n't something to do with the with the the way it 's mixed is n't is n't Chris talking about No ?
16 Why is n't it shouted from the start so that everybody knows from the start who you are ?
17 Why is n't he pontificating from the battlements about this .
18 One Protestant businessman in North Belfast who has rejected paramilitary demands for money said last week : ‘ Racketeering is n't anything to do with the cause of Ulster or loyalty .
19 They were talking about language on Radio Four and erm what people e , it is n't anything to do with the training course we 're on , it 's the language .
20 sitting on her own , is n't she talking to the eldest one who is
21 The picture of God at a man 's mercy is surely one derived from the story 's primitive origins , and no longer to be taken seriously .
22 That is how we came to the conclusion that they should be
23 In laboratory experiments , we may be getting a picture of how people behave in laboratories , but can we be sure that this is how they behave in the real world ( see p. 55 ) ?
24 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
25 What matters is how you feel about the guys beside you .
26 When it comes to neck shaping and so on , it is best to decrease the stitches back to the original number , by , for example , taking eight stitches back to four stitches if that is how you increased for the cable before shaping .
27 Even the highly cosmopolitan and very trendy audiences of New York City did not know quite what to say about it ; a typical reaction was from May Okon , of the New York Sunday News who wrote : ‘ Jack Nicholson 's Drive , He Said is how it read on the marquee of the Third Avenue movie house .
28 The new wall turned out to be a blocking to fill a wide opening in a store-building ( 1954 Report , fig. 13 and this is how it appears on the plan ( Pl .
29 The villa was no palatial country-house but a small working farm — at least , that is how it appeared until the final season .
30 Coming out of the 4th lap the Russian and Hungarian dropped him and that is how it remained to the final straight , Bohacs eventually taking the win but Andy with an unprecedented second bronze , within a minute of the winner and nearly two minutes clear of Bartunek in 4th place .
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