Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 This might be sensible if you were advised that your claim would be better presented in the formal atmosphere of the civil courts , or that your wrongful dismissal claim is so much more substantial that it will lead almost inevitably to a settlement of the lesser , unfair dismissal claim .
2 Moreover , now that I come to think of it , it is perhaps not so surprising that it should also have made a deep impression on Miss Kenton given certain aspects of her relationship with my father during her early days at Darlington Hall .
3 It is perhaps not so surprising that the penis becomes so wilfully difficult in later life when you consider the punishment that is doles out to it in adolescence .
4 It is perhaps not too surprising that staff in the diplomatic corps and in government intelligence agencies are targets for violence while engaged in their daily work , but it is relatively recent in the UK , for example , to have an estate agent , a social worker , and a health visitor murdered while at work ( Smith , 1988 ) .
5 Given these kind of records , it is perhaps not too surprising that Blondel can claim that the implementation of party programmes is " spasmodic and half-hearted " and that the influence of programmes on policy-making is " rather weak " .
6 It is perhaps not totally coincidental that there are three million unemployed and three million companies and er You could do the arithmetic about what would happen if every company took on one person .
7 It is perhaps even more worrying that this kind of advice also turns up in assertiveness training texts and manuals used to train women in business .
8 It is remarkable that the Working Party could be so cavalier in ignoring its own evidence ; it is perhaps even more surprising that no crash research programme was advocated in order to provide a solid base for the allocation of such a vast sum of money .
9 And he is not yet so low that he can not bring down many a better man .
10 Capitalism is not yet so triumphant that it can disregard moral dissent .
11 I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment and was told that it was really a matter for the chief environmental officer of the local authority , but when I took the matter up with the local environmental officer , his response — and it is to his credit that he responded — was , ’ Well , it may be bad , but it is not really so bad that I must take any action . ’
12 Having done away with an earlier one-to-one social class to genre relationship , it is not so very surprising that Nykrog 's substitute for it proved considerably less persuasive and durable than Bédier 's had .
13 The situation in the three separate parts of the United Kingdom is not so radically different that it is appropriate to establish different crimes as part of the panoply of the law for dealing with offences in prisons .
14 It is not therefore altogether surprising that he should have spent the years 1254–5 , 1261–3 , 1273–4 and 1286–9 in south-west France ; nor that his mind was often preoccupied with French and Gascon affairs both before and during his reign .
15 It is also now very clear that chance plays an enormous part in determining which creatures survive , and where .
16 It is also unfortunately still true that the Area Staff Office receives very partial information from the Groups and therefore finds it difficult to play much of a coordinating role in the process .
17 In real life it is really not very likely that six people ( and six is about the right number , pushing upwards to eight and down to a minimum of three , though you have to be skilled to have that few ) will each have good reason for committing the same murder .
18 For each Fanatic in turn roll a scatter dice to determine which direction it moves in — the Goblin is now so utterly disorientated that he moves in a random direction .
19 It is now all too clear that despite US occupation of Southern Korea the Russians have intended to impose a united front policy throughout the country …
20 The dictionary definition of a phobia is ‘ an illogical fear ’ , and the sufferer is often quite well aware that his fear is illogical .
21 It is because the shareholders no longer control the management of a large public company and the product market is no longer perfectly competitive that the management are free to use their discretion for these socially worthwhile ends .
22 It is therefore not very surprising that rural public transport provision is lower than in many urban areas , where demand will be higher because of lower rates of car ownership .
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