Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is altogether more surprising to find that quantum mechanics also causes us to re-evaluate words like " and " and " or " .
2 In fact , it is all too easy to conclude that if one 's message is misunderstood , the receiver is at fault ; and if the other person 's attempt to communicate is not understood , then the other person 's mode of expression is deficient in some way .
3 By emphasising style of leadership and the importance of human relations , it is all too easy to forget that a manager is primarily responsible for ensuring that tasks are done efficiently and effectively .
4 It is all too easy to assume that if you improve your performance by 5% a year , you are making satisfactory progress .
5 It is all too easy to assume that formal regulation has an immediate unilinear impact , but in actuality the history of sexuality is as much a history of an avoidance of , or resistance to , the moral code , as of a simple acceptance and internalisation .
6 It is all too easy to assume that since they all offer the same types of mortgages there is little to choose between them .
7 It is all too easy to find that the only properly planned meetings are the ones at which exchange of contracts and completion take place and those are meetings which are usually orchestrated by the solicitors acting for the buyer and the seller .
8 It is all too easy to feel that we know the answer to the problems presented and so precipitously give advice .
9 Nevertheless , if a creditor , with grounds for suspecting that a company is in financial difficulties , makes a search he is all too likely to find that no recent annual returns or accounts have been filed .
10 It is only too easy to forget that there was a time when the fragile flower of Glasgow culture might just as easily have been swept up by the great philistine scaffy man of indifference .
11 If one finds , as one sometimes does , that an Act contains a provision that does not make sense , it is only too easy to assume that it is the draftsman who has made an error .
12 With that perspective , it is perhaps not surprising to discover that decision makers often find the external information delivered to them by knowledge workers to be not as valuable in helping to solve the task in hand as they would have wished .
13 It is perhaps not appropriate to insist that Zuwaya , resisting government regulation , had an image of a different kind of economic order , consistent with or derived from their image of Arab government , and opposed to the principles of Islamic socialism .
14 In attempting to help users in searching automated catalogues , it is perhaps too easy to assume that the machine must do it all and that the burden must be removed entirely from the user .
15 It is perhaps too idealistic to suggest that the process of ageing should be dealt with during childhood , but it is certainly during these years that the basis of ageism becomes rooted in us and thereafter affects the way we approach our own old age .
16 If B is threatened with a tort it is , of course , equally true that he may bring an action for damages if the tort is committed or bring an action for a quia timet injunction first , but , especially where the threat is of violence , it is perhaps less realistic to say that these legal remedies afford him adequate protection against the consequences of resistance .
17 So it is obviously quite implausible to propose that sentence production involves selecting , from a set of pre-existing sentences , the one you want to produce , because there are far too many different possible thoughts one might want to convey , and far too many different ways of conveying each thought .
18 However , it is much more difficult to ensure that media which are remote from a computer are still intact and safe .
19 It is much more difficult to show that it is a spiritual dead-end which will only end in disappointment , superficiality and naivety .
20 It is much more satisfactory to say that these statements show what the speaker believes or feels , if he is speaking sincerely and correctly .
21 It is generally not useful to speculate that such time-removed antecedents are associated with bad behaviour .
22 However , when a distortion can not be removed from one market it is not generally efficient to ensure that all other markets are distortion-free .
23 Certainly it is not always correct to assume that older people are ‘ safe ’ in the hands of medical professionals .
24 A disadvantage is that it is not always easy to ensure that a student gains ‘ core ’ knowledge of the subject .
25 There are two problems here : the first that is it is not always easy to determine that censorship has taken place in libraries .
26 It is not quite true to say that the price of Attlee 's policy was partition , but it is true to say that its price was the early and firm acceptance of the inevitability of partition .
27 He concludes that ‘ it is not too strong to say that the marriage law as it operated in practice in England from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries was a mess ’ ( p. 135 ) .
28 It is not too strong to say that it is impossible to test Marx 's thesis regarding the labour theory of value at a micro-economic level because Marx and Marxists have totally disregarded any element of profit which may result from risk-taking .
29 It is not too strong to say that the ultimate economic problem — choice under conditions of scarcity — results from this radical rupture in the natural world and in human personality .
30 perhaps it is not too strong to say that in national firms or boutiques the culture is defined by the owner or founder of the business .
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