Example sentences of "is [art] most [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For too long , says Ward , we have persisted in the Henry Ford myth that only a genetically privileged few can do joined-up thinking , and the rest are fit for manual tasks so simplified that they produce that brand of mind-numbing tedium which is the most fertile soil for industrial unrest .
2 THIS is the most outstanding area of life for you in 1993 .
3 Although never completed , Beaumaris is the most perfect example of the concentrically planned castle in Britain .
4 Some of the worst tyrants have in fact been without private vices : as Bertrand de Jouvenel once noted , ‘ power is the most perfect form of self-indulgence ’ .
5 In the Qur'an , which is the most sacred text of Moslems , God is more often described in terms of generalised epithets that we normally associate with human life — for instance , Hearer , Keeper , Guide and Pardoner .
6 ‘ Fame is the most fascinating subject in the world and I 'm keenly interested in speaking to certain people who 've had fame and then lost it . ’
7 For some , this is the most fascinating aspect of the game .
8 ‘ I plan the holidays and what the others do n't know is that , in the course of planning , I 've developed the precise art of finding somewhere to stay where , when you open your bedroom window , in front of you is the most splendid bit of Romanesque architecture .
9 This is the most progressive outcome to the present situation … the destruction of the machinery of discrimination … the unfreezing of bigotry … the achievement of the utmost degree of civil liberties possible , freedom of political action , an end to the bitterness of social life and the divisions among the people fostered by the Unionists …
10 Green is the most essential colour in the garden , because without it other colours would be diminished .
11 Comprising eight installations selected from a working career of fifteen years , the exhibition is the most comprehensive survey of his art yet to be mounted , and has been organised in conjunction with the Kunsthalle in Basel , where it was seen in April and May .
12 This is issued monthly with annual cumulations and is the most comprehensive work in the field of engineering .
13 It is the most comprehensive library on social gerontology in the country , with some 20,000 volumes , much unpublished material and in receipt of 200 journals .
14 The major survey of the paintings of Walter Richard Sickert , which opens at the Royal Academy of Arts towards the end of this month ( 20 November-14 February 1993 ) and commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the artist 's death in 1942 , is the most comprehensive exhibition of his work to be staged since the Tate Gallery 's centenary exhibition of 1960 and an Arts Council touring show seen in Hull , Glasgow and Plymouth in 1977–78 .
15 In Ulster there are several large inland lakes and sea loughs. this is the most efficient way of covering these areas
16 Although French technique does seem awkward to begin with , it is the most efficient way of moving on easier angled terrain and is also the basis of resting on steeper ground .
17 What then is the most efficient way of doing this ?
18 The nests of social insects are run almost entirely by smell , because in these dense communities it is the most efficient way of sending messages .
19 In purely rational terms , mass-production is the most efficient way of producing large quantities of articles or items .
20 The IMF is controlled by governments , such as the United States , Japan and Britain who claim that the ‘ free market ’ is the most efficient way of organizing economic life .
21 What is the most efficient way of travelling from A through B and C to D ?
22 While these forms of subsidy are not exhaustive , a consistent message appears to be that a cash transfer is the most efficient way of increasing the welfare of the recipient ( i.e. , for any given transfer , welfare of the recipient may increase to a greater extent ) .
23 In fact , what it boils down to is the most efficient system for regulating your body 's own little micro-climate , without burdening your rucksack with all manner of garments designed for one specific set of conditions — a waterproof duvet jacket for example .
24 If it is assumed that the system of corporate enterprise is the most efficient system for the creation of wealth , should it therefore be concluded that corporate power is legitimate ?
25 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the British farmer is the most efficient farmer in Europe ?
26 The Bombus terrestris or the Buff Tailed Bumble Bee is the most efficient pollinator of flowers .
27 The dawg is the most efficient implementation in terms of memory ( Blumer et al , 1985 ; Appel and Jacobson , 1988 ; Elliman and Lancaster , 1990 ) .
28 Slow , steady progress is the most efficient method of language learning .
29 This is the most controversial part of the assessment arrangements .
30 Program data shows that the procedure call/return is the most time-consuming operation in typical high-level language programs .
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