Example sentences of "is [adj] and [vb mod] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Or alternatively someone is asleep and can not be disturbed .
2 In some cultures , a bedroom is private and can not be entered without permission , while in others it can .
3 Our own procedure is similar and will not be reproduced in this chapter .
4 The empirical evidence suggests , however , that the supervision which institutional investors exercise over the management of a company is minimal and can not be regarded as a sufficient control over the managers of large public companies .
5 Thus , a simple linear record of his life and rule is impossible and can not be pinned down as a simplistic historical account .
6 Both Walter Hilton and Dame Julian insist that God is transcendent and can not be described or grasped by the human mind , but they belong more to the Western tradition than the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
7 Anxiety regarding proposed surgery is natural and can not be forgotten .
8 Nevertheless , the allotment is good and can not be set aside under the above provisions .
9 In most circumstances , during negotiations , an air of confidence will be implied but it is sensible to stress confidentiality ; for example , by stating that the information is confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone else without permission .
10 As remarked before , this position is unsatisfactory and can not be ‘ tolerated ’ by the banks concerned .
11 If it is the latter , the aircraft is unserviceable and must not be flown until the brakes have been re-adjusted .
12 This problem is more likely to arise at a time when the patient is unconscious and can not be consulted .
13 This approach is complex and may not be the law .
14 This process of segmentation is complex and will not be discussed here , nor will other processes involved in the pattern recognition programs , as they do not fall within the scope of this thesis .
15 The law of evidence is complex and can not be dealt with in depth in a work of this scope .
16 The transition from one to the other takes place after a few seconds of observation , is discontinous and can not be stopped at in an intermediate position .
17 Children 's artistic sense is innate and should not be cramped by an adult 's vision or formal teaching .
18 According to the Aristotelian picture , scientia , or knowledge proper , is knowledge of what is necessary and can not be otherwise .
19 Ginseng is another alternative , but it is expensive and should not be taken for more than a month , as doctors suspect it is harmful to those who have high blood pressure .
20 The report is expensive and can not be sold to another buyer if you decide not to proceed .
21 Speaking to The Art Newspaper , Mr Ray Harding , the New York attorney formerly representing Yugoslavia and now Croatia , expressed his firm conviction that Sotheby 's attempt to withdraw from proceedings at the stage is premature and should not be allowed until the pre-trial discovery process has been completed .
22 If an investor wants to keep the shares acquired under the transaction in question but to recover the difference in value between the shares and the price paid , the remedy to achieve this is not , in my judgment , a restitutionary one but is compensatory and can not be obtained under subsection ( 2 ) .
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