Example sentences of "is [adj] for [pron] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 There are some solutions of the equations of general relativity in which it is possible for our astronaut to see a naked singularity : he may be able to avoid hitting the singularity and instead fall through a " wormhole " and come out in another region of the universe .
2 We know that it is easier for your body to tolerate the habit if you also eat well but many do not .
3 A kick which falls short places the kicker at a distinct disadvantage , because his body weight is totally behind the kick , so that it is easy for his opponent to pull him off balance .
4 The crucial question is whether it is appropriate for your Lordships to do so .
5 The Bank of England , old nanny that she is at heart , always believes that it is good for her charges to learn patience .
6 Congress , the G M B is renowned for its ability to represent people .
7 We do not know whether the lake is safe for our customers to fall into . ’
8 I agree that it is important for our Parliament to examine EC legislation closely .
9 ‘ We face a stern test but it is important for my players to continue to believe in themselves . ’
10 It is all very costly and there is sometimes a limited choice of what is available for your client to sponsor that makes economic sense and will attract media and consumer attention .
11 It is convenient for our purpose to adopt the DES definition of courses in management education as being those which are primarily post-graduate and post experience .
12 For people with anxiety problems however it is common for their confidence to become slowly eroded .
13 Firstly , her book is notable for its attempt to combine good living with economy .
14 The result is that more rather than fewer cases are created , with staff conforming rather than innovating , for they realize that it is difficult for their superiors to complain of their being too efficient or too industrious .
15 You are not obliged to tell anyone at school of your child 's HIV status , but you may choose to do so if you feel it is best for your child to have a trusted adult who knows the situation .
16 It is sufficient for our purposes to elaborate upon the first two categories .
17 It is wise for your horse to wear protective boots and an overgirth , just in case a girth strap breaks .
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