Example sentences of "is [conj] [pron] [is] [adj -er] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A further advantage of the projector is that it is cleaner to use than the chalkboard ( Fig. 6.2 ) .
2 One of the problems for local government is that it is easier to see how this might work at national level where the interests are clearer and more easily identifiable .
3 One of these is that it is easier to do the sum if one deals with histories in what is called imaginary time rather than in ordinary , real time .
4 The really true story is that it is easier to seem busy by employing people to bash every easy target than to challenge our assumptions of consumer sovereignty and the vast , important industries that cater for them .
5 The value of having such materials in brief and physically separate forms is that it is easier to manipulate ideas while they are still in note form than it is once you have written them out in prose .
6 One reason for this is that it is easier to measure , and therefore control , performance if management can observe precisely what workers are doing .
7 But , but they 're saying that , ooh apart from I think the what they 're really saying is that it 's better to wait till in
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