Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Language and indeed behaviour generally is necessarily ordered and is represented internally as strategies , schemata are not inherently sequential and thinking can thus be concerned with context before the constraint of achieving is introduced in order to generate an output .
2 Each cylinder head ( ‘ pot ’ ) is individually cleaned and is readied for its own route through the system .
3 : a carrier — person who is not affected but is harbouring pathogens
4 In a case where liability is not disputed or is resolved during the course of the case , either by an admission or on a summons for judgment , try and obtain some costs from the defendant .
5 The meaning is not explained but is left for the listeners to work out for themselves .
6 The experience is not forgotten but is stored in memory .
7 The reason for this is not known but is thought to be due to infection by the virus itself .
8 The Teleputer is a full card , taking out an eight-bit expansion slot , is easily installed and is supplied with comms software and at an additional cost fax software .
9 Well the the the actual book is already started and is sitting
10 The figure facing the monster is also horned and is thrusting his spear into a snake-like head , three arms droop down having been similarly despatched .
11 Mexico is often depicted as being characterised by ‘ charrismo ’ , the phenomenon of trade unions being controlled by the state , in order to keep wages down in the service of capital accumulation and accelerated economic growth .
12 Human performance is often shown as being influenced by three overlapping areas ( Reference 8 ) :
13 When the patient walks on a conventional rigid replacement the stress of the load is mainly borne by the bone at the tip of the implant.The top of the thighbone is n't exercised and is weakened as a result .
14 His time as Governor of Madras is well documented and is regarded as having been very successful .
15 Some of these designs can be adjusted when the sack is fully loaded and being worn — others have to be adjusted beforehand .
16 It is sometimes expressed and is spoken of what is agreed .
17 In other words , the body plan of existing vertebrates is readily understood as being derived from a set of structures which , in a distant ancestor , were adaptations for a particular way of life .
18 Conflict is either avoided or is allowed to develop into open warfare .
19 Military expenditure may keep people in jobs but much of the equipment produced is never used and is scrapped or sold at give-away prices so that the armed forces can have the most up-to-date equipment .
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