Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [adj] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is all too easy to overfeed and pollute the water and kill the babies that way .
2 It is all too easy to take and agree to a request for samples , ring up the appropriate department or dispatch centre and happily assume that it has gone .
3 " If one is basically more anxious to please and amuse people than to keep an implacably appraising eye on them , " the author of the urbane and chuckling funny Appleby books , Michael Innes , has said , " one will never take the first step towards considerable writing . "
4 It is obviously very prone to bias and reactivity effects ; it can easily be subverted by stacking samples ; and the credibility of the report depends completely upon the creditability of the practitioner .
5 I think it is much more valuable to hear and play instruments than to read about them .
6 When this process becomes revolutionary upheaval is not always easy to identify and the decision as to whether it was a radical reinterpretation rather than simply an adjustment depends on the observer 's standpoint .
7 It is not as easy to apply or follow as Halliday 's system .
8 I am not suggesting that on occasions it is not totally appropriate to go and help someone — children particularly appreciate a parent 's involvement in a variety of projects .
9 It is not very clever to spray and fight off enemies from the front door , while letting them take up residence outside a wide open back door .
10 The Greensight approach is not only cheap to implement and maintain , but also flexible , so that sites can be treated individually .
11 There are sites where it is not only possible to visit and see the reconstructions , but also to take part in activities simulating the way people lived on that site in the past , or even to live there for several days to get some sort of impression of the way of life .
12 Second , the whole analysis is based on the mistaken assumption that the poet and the reader 's text worlds are identical , an assumption which is not only difficult to prove but also in contrast with the core ideas of the collection .
13 This is not only easier to knit but also gives you an even weight of fabric which is much more successful .
14 Edit , cut , amend , interpolate or transpose what he will , there is — he began to realize — a dimension beyond him which he is not now able to reach or to shift .
15 It is just as important to expect and recognise the body 's warning signals of neurogenic shock so that it can be effectively treated .
16 Irwin is just too good to drop and if he can score free kicks , like to the other night , for Ireland he 'll stay .
17 With some 22,000 students moving around within our city , even if one felt that a nominal sum should be paid — here I am looking after the interests of the hon. Member for City of Durham ( Mr. Steinberg ) whose lovely daughter is now a constituent of mine ; I trust that she will be sensible and know where to put her cross — it is clearly administratively impossible to handle and , given the changes in student support , that small relief will be welcome .
18 It is also much easier to grasp and epistemologically almost crass ; clearly the materialist who does know the ‘ real motive forces ’ can avoid producing ideology .
19 Nitrite is also extremely poisonous to fish and hence the reason it is very important to check the pond water for the presence of either of these toxins .
20 Whichever side of the fence personal injury lawyers are on , it is now much harder to court and land personal injury work , and to make a profit out of it .
21 An alternative to water in sprays is needed in the tropics where water is often very difficult to obtain or transport to the field ; it evaporates so rapidly that the effectiveness of sprays is further reduced .
22 Second , quality improvement is far more difficult to define and measure in health than it is in education .
23 A comparison of the British and American policy-making processes reveals that the Congress is far more likely to amend or reject proposals coming from the executive than the House of Commons .
24 Also , it is n't physically possible to sit and listen to a rap album all the way through .
25 There is simply so much to do and we are already a little behind the schedule .
26 Our media is never too squeamish to expose and pillory offending white people , from lager-louts and football hooligans to neo-Nazis and drunken drivers .
27 It is therefore very important to try and assess the more enduring changes shown in Figure 8.4 , and Table 8.4 .
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