Example sentences of "is [verb] on [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted in all these changes that an underlying Government objective is to pass on much of the cost of training to the industry .
2 We train the staff to know how to do their job , and we tell them what is going on elsewhere in the Hotel .
3 The Berg , with all its elusive nuances and its stormy outbursts ( in the orchestra as well as in the solo part ) , is graphically outlined here , with the weight and support of palpable involvement in what is going on emotionally in the music 's undercurrents .
4 But most of the work is going on actually in the auditorium where they 're stripping out all the wood er and putting in great big holes where they can put the fire exits in .
5 Research on methods for controlling pests without chemicals is going on all over the world and the latest greenfly predator to come under scientific scrutiny is the lacewing .
6 That was fun , compared to what is going on now at the NEA .
7 The A six six five eight if you look at the the bottom of the two roads , it 's the one on the left which is going on down off the plan .
8 High on the wall of my room , near the open window , waiting for the lights to come on , a gecko is clinging on hopefully to the knobbly plaster .
9 What is actually happening of course we know in that case what is actually happening , because nerves erm er neurones in , in the base of the brain are actually sampling the blood flow as it goes through with sugar level and when the sugar level drops to a critical point , some of those neurones start to fire and as they fire gradually the message is passed on up to the higher brain centres and eventually you get the feeling you 're hungry .
10 CHARITY will be the winner when a display of old time ploughing , combining and binding is put on tomorrow by the Seaforde Vintage Steam Threshing Rally .
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