Example sentences of "is [verb] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Michael Heseltine is recovering in hospital tonight after suffering a heart attack while on holiday in Italy .
2 This miracle is placed by Mark just after the chapter on parables in which the secrets of the kingdom of God are given to the disciples .
3 The sludge is then separated off , and that is heated in tanks away from oxygen where anaerobic bacteria break the sludge down into an odourless substance and produce methane gas .
4 It is interesting that the jurist 's first reaction is to appeal to analogies elsewhere in the law .
5 Now , of course , it is taught in schools along with English — which most children do n't speak until they start their education .
6 It would be important to promote a culture in which the discovery of mistakes is regarded by officers not as a method of policing their colleagues but as a means of improving the service and therefore as a source of professional pride .
7 Where the psychological specificity of the homosexual sample group is addressed , it too is formulated in terms close to dominant discourses of homosexual difference .
8 The lichen is gathered from rocks late in the summer , dried in the sun , then it is placed with the wool in alternating layers in a large pot .
9 It is given in translation here as a tribute to a brave man who fought under British leadership for the freedom of his country .
10 He had ‘ nothing to say ’ when arrested and is to appear in court again in Belfast on April 16 .
11 He is to appear in court again in Belfast on September 15 .
12 A fundamental process of change is occurring within society both in the UK and certain other richer nations : this has been termed the emergence of ‘ post-industrial society ’ ( Bell , 1973 ) .
13 Another aspect of the discretion allows a court to refuse a remedy if some suitable alternative avenue of redress was open to the applicant ; this is considered in detail later in this chapter .
14 One consequence of this immobility is that everyone is surrounded by people very like himself , most of whom he has always known .
15 An embryonic European central bank is to come into existence soon after 1994 , the starting date of the second stage .
16 The weapon is carried by Engineers either on horseback or in one of the Engineers School 's War Wagons .
17 This morning , Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine is expected to cave in to City pressure , and commit the Government to contributing money to an insurance pool to cover commercial property against terrorist attack .
18 In contrast , the EAT , while using a very similar strategy for both elicitation and scoring , is recommended for use only by qualified speech therapists .
19 The lightweight 155g Nike Duellist , for example , is designed for distances up to the half-marathon , whereas the 280g Brooks GFS105 is intended for those heavier runners .
20 This is designed for situations where for one reason or another the work can not be fully described in advance and therefore a price can not be agreed .
21 It is designed for use only in Force 3+ and usually has a small daggerboard .
22 The long , low church is decorated by paintings all over the exterior and interior walls , openings and window frames .
23 It is a small step to suppose that such effects might also operate when a stimulus is presented in compound not with another that is physically present but with the associatively activated representation of such an event .
24 Its depression immediately under the load is compensated by elevation elsewhere in the chain .
25 However , it 's surprising that in on representative government utilitarianism barely surfaces and that almost no mention at all is made of utility apart from in a very general way .
26 Likewise , to give the fistula-suffering monarch ( Hugh Ross ) rather more than his fair share of Fisher King-like significance , he is made to stagger about in a stagy , enfeebled agony that could compete with Amfortas 's travails in Parsifal .
27 If an order for costs or additional costs is required to be made , the time for applying is when an application is made for payment out of court .
28 One version is shaped with grooves just inside the lips , into which plasterboard fits neatly to complete the arch shape .
29 Overweight is caused by eating more energy-giving foods than are needed , so that the excess is turned into fat instead of being burned up .
30 These impressions he/she could perhaps spell out , verbalizing them for the benefit of the student and anyone else who has a legitimate interest in knowing how the student is seen by people close to him/her .
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