Example sentences of "is [verb] [adv] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But where , on the one hand , the hierarchy of the chivalry is systematically catalogued , from dukes to mere gentlemen , the commonalty is differentiated only to the extent that a passing reference to ‘ the chief of theis folkes , as the substantiall marchauntes , the welthie grasiers and farmers ’ acknowledges the existence of sub-species .
2 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
3 The governments ' answer , it seems , is to go back to the ERM as it worked for most of the 1980s — a more flexible ERM , in which exchange-rate realignments happened now and then , instead of being resisted at all costs .
4 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
5 This order may be obtained whether the courts are sitting or not , if a ‘ prima facie ’ case is make out to a judge of the High Court .
6 The alternative version has the same two properties together making up a property complex that is applied to the immediately adjacent subject of the sentence ; moreover in both cases the complex as a whole is assigned syntactically to the subject E ; the sole difference is in the matter of which property is taken as " senior " to the other within the bounds of the complex , as in ( 63 ) , and in such a case this will produce an infinitesimal semantic difference : ( 63 ) However this sort of syntactic trading is only possible where the language contains suitable lexical items ; it must have an adverb and verb with the appropriate meanings ; thus , in the absence of an adverb equivalent to after a change and a verb meaning to be orange , for instance , English can not offer such an alternative for ( 64 ) : ( 64 ) in spring , their skin turns orange 5.8 The range of verbs which can occur with postverbal adjectives is in fact quite wide .
7 In all the tanks where my fish are housed a small terracotta saucer is placed on to the bottom where the food is placed , this does help when it comes to cleaning the uneaten food off the aquarium bottom .
8 Maggie is drawing close to the bar .
9 Shortly after he is flown back to the mainland , to the most south naval base of Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego .
10 Strasbourg , the capital of the French province of Alsace , is situated close to the border with Germany on an island formed by the two arms of the River 111 .
11 It is situated close to the resort 's centre and the colourful bustling market , yet only 150 yards from the beach .
12 In food-song and travel-story the scene , the characters , and the opening dialogue are familiar enough : the inn is humble and is situated close to the banks of the radiant Loire .
13 Beckets Park is situated close to the town centre , alongside the River Nene .
14 From Caniço we go back up onto the main airport road and continue on to Santa Cruz ( 20km ) , whose centre is situated off to the right of the main road .
15 That to read the novel is to attend exclusively to the detail of a patterning .
16 Mrs Strange used to be at the piano when Seven Towers sang and now that she is stepping up to the rostrum , Kathryn , daughter of bass singer and choir secretary Jack Clarke , is replacing her .
17 It is referred here to the Dryopithecinae and it includes three groups : ( 1 ) Dryopithecus itself in tribe Dryopithecini ; ( 2 ) a newly proposed tribe , Afropithecini with Afropithecus , Heliopithecus and Otavipithecus , together with material from Maboko Island and Nachola that has been referred in the past to Kenyapithecus ; and ( 3 ) the Kenyapithecini , which includes Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan , Griphopithecus alpani from Pasalar , Turkey , and the postcrania from Klein Hadersdorf .
18 That it is sustained almost to the point of embarrassment is exactly what is so good about it , since discomfort is the name of this film 's particular game .
19 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
20 In certain areas of Britain there is also a ‘ tradition ’ of digging out badgers , so that they may be subjected to the same merciless treatment that is meted out to the fox .
21 This is communicated also to the flowers around the building at the university where Dr Chabot ( Yves Montand ) lectures on hypnotism .
22 Instead of denoting a direct relationship between words and extra-linguistic objects , reference is limited here to the relationship of identity which holds between two linguistic expressions .
23 Take great care not to apply too much adhesive as it will show through or seep out once the glass is pressed on to the picture .
24 It can protrude from its body a soft , slimy stomach which then glides between the spines and invades the centre of the sea urchin The victim 's body is slowly digested before the stomach is withdrawn again to the interior of the sea star .
25 The west wall of the gallery is given over to a work 17ft high and over 20ft long entitled Touch the Earth Again , and the ecological sentiment implied by this title is crucial to Setch 's work .
26 The greater part is given over to the well in which the ice was deposited .
27 In this , academic qualifications obviously play a large part , but close attention is given also to the applicant 's personality and non-academic interests and attainments based on information supplied by the candidate and by the confidential referee .
28 In this , academic qualifications obviously play a large part , but close attention is given also to the applicant 's personality and non-academic interests and attainments based on information supplied by the candidate and by the confidential referee .
29 Three Chester students who set up their own company — called ‘ No Frills ’ — making everything from Jewellery to boxer shorts , took the BNFL award which is given annually to the operators of the best company .
30 None of these tendencies is confined exclusively to the press .
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