Example sentences of "is [verb] [be] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The effect of the Transfer Regulations is that the contracts of employment of the persons working in the business immediately before it is transferred are novated automatically to the purchaser on completion of the transfer .
2 The principles upon which a new trial is granted are set out in notes to Ord 37 , r 1 in The County Court Practice ( no application to jury trials — see Ord 37 , r 1(1) ) .
3 ( The actual way in which this calculation is done is illustrated later in this chapter . )
4 The ‘ subjective meaning ’ of what the woodsman or marksman is doing is built in to the basic description or interpretation of the facts .
5 More than a hint of the attack which is coming was dropped yesterday by Norman Lamont , the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
6 In the female parent the chromosome which is provided is shaped rather like the letter X and is known as an X chromosome .
7 The manner in which the register of electors is compiled is laid down by Parliament in certain Rules and the Electoral Registration Officer must observe those Rules without any variation suggested by the council .
8 A typical example of the way in which an MA(General) degree is constructed is set out in the panel on page 62 .
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