Example sentences of "it [modal v] be [vb pp] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What this suggests then is that although it may be necessary to tolerate the practice , it should be conducted only in exceptional and highly controlled circumstances under which there is adequate scrutiny and review by institutions independent of the executive branch of government .
2 Tamodine ( by VetArk ) , is recommended , but remember that it should be used only on individual fish , never add to the pond .
3 The table above calculates your interest payments per month , although it should be used only as an approximate guide .
4 The plaintiffs gathered information as to the results of horse races from various courses and transmitted that information to subscribers on terms that it should be used only in the newspaper or posted only in the club , newsroom , office or other place to which it was delivered .
5 It should be clear that such a restoration is not to be undertaken lightly , and it should be entrusted only to a skilled professional .
6 Using the example of the work of Bourdieu , it has been argued that , although the object may be closely associated with the most fundamental and hidden aspects of socialization , this does not mean that it must be analysed only by determinant , rule-based objectivist procedures , since as an instrument of social strategy it retains a high degree of flexibility .
7 If any greater certainty could be given then it could be done only by an unacceptable narrowing of the duty to restrict it to a part of the auditors responsibilities and we 're also concerned that to do so could have potentially wide ranging implications for the scope of auditor 's functions more generally .
8 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
9 Lithuania 's president , Mr Vytautas Landsbergis , promptly called the decree illegal , and said it could be implemented only by ‘ brutal armed force ’ .
10 It could be implemented only by concentrating our efforts : in other words , by standardising the units and organising the industry accordingly .
11 It could be kept only by giving my entire self , roots and all .
12 The climb was so steep that in places it could be made only with the help of ropes .
13 It could be ended only by death ; Lorrimer 's or his own .
14 And no one , he argued in terms that could have come straight from John Stuart Mill , could have a monopoly of the truth , either in asking questions or answering them ; it could be determined only through the interplay of argument .
15 A bookseller named James Gibb extended his Bible to more than sixty folio volumes , each so heavy that it could be lifted only with difficulty .
16 It could be transformed only by a Western victory in a Third World War or by a voluntary Soviet withdrawal .
17 Finally , Richard Wilson 's ‘ 20.50 ’ oil sculpture , on exhibition at the Saatchi Collection for the last twelve months , will be recreated on the top floor of Seville 's Museo de Arte Contemporaneo , although it will be seen only in June and July .
18 It can be overcome only by constant and constantly renewed efforts to disrupt the reified structure of existence by concretely relating to the concretely manifested contradictions of the total development , by becoming conscious of the immanent meanings of these contradictions for total development .
19 [ The government ] is convinced that it can be done only by delegating responsibility as closely as possible to where health care is delivered to the patient — predominantly to the GP and the local hospital .
20 In the human situation it can be played only by means of failure and suffering : these are the elements by which the triumph of joy and love seen in Christ is constantly rediscovered .
21 Although this document is an essential prerequisite for the competition for posts in universities and in the CSIC ( Spanish Council for Scientific Research ) , it can be obtained only after a bureaucratic process that takes at least one year and sometimes more than two .
22 Also , an important book may be missed since it may deal with several topics but it can be shelved only in one position in the library .
23 It can be assessed only by its appropriateness , but this depends entirely on what the pupil is writing about and for what purpose ( and so has a cross-curricular dimension ) .
24 Just short of the Cherwell , however , the line of the road disappears from the 1-inch map , and to the west of the river for many miles it can be followed only as a continuous hedge-line , a field-path , and a bit of lane here and there .
25 A religion can not possibly serve the world if it can be understood only by people who have been especially educated .
26 The opportunity offered in the market by an asset owner can not be freely duplicated or surpassed by just anyone ; it can be duplicated only by another owner of a similar asset .
27 Structuralism is revolutionary because it can be adopted only as an alternative and not as an addition to traditional academic habits .
28 Even your supporters are becoming alarmed by the destabilising effect of general practitioner fundholding , as you top slice cash from the central reserve and ensure that it can be spent only on the limited number of services that general practitioners are allowed to purchase directly .
29 It can be changed only from one form to another , one location to another , while its total remains a constant .
30 It has the disadvantage that it can be used only in closed systems , not in flows where fluid is continuously entering and leaving .
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