Example sentences of "it [modal v] n't be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I said well it should n't be the bloody case at all and that 's when we got into the debate about er Aberdeen to er one following half half an hour after the other .
2 It could n't be the same Rover , because they 'd have recognised the car , although he hoped they had n't stopped long enough to get the number .
3 Although I do n't think it 's impossible that it ca n't be the other way , that two people ca n't grow toward each other .
4 It ca n't be the only difference , ’ I said .
5 So it ca n't be the old Winter Garden crop . ’
6 It ca n't be the old man , ’ Kimberley said .
7 So it ca n't be the same as in churches even if it stays in the profit ?
8 Last year 's was no la it ca n't be the same one then cos last year 's was absolutely terrible , the one I went to with Right Said Fred was amazing I think someone else did go to that , Sue-Anna or somebody ?
9 Mhm , oh no , it ca n't be the twelfth of November
10 Sorry , I 'm reading the wrong dates here That 's right , it ca n't be the twelfth , I must have meant the fourteenth .
11 And it would n't be the greatest shock if Bowe proved me wrong by recording a knockout as fast as Lewis 's at Earl 's Court .
12 It would n't be the first time .
13 There were questions he still needed to ask and it would n't be the first time that he had taken advantage of tiredness or grief .
14 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
15 It would n't be the first time Littlewoods had copied a successful high street idea .
16 It would n't be the first time .
17 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
18 It would n't be the first time that a man has been seduced by female beauty and been left the poorer for his pleasure , nor the first time Lotta has attempted by stealth to deprive me of something which I value . ’
19 It would n't be the first time , but I did n't say it .
20 It would n't be the same for Tremayne if you were n't there .
21 It would n't be the same without him . ’
22 Even if you did , it would n't be the same .
23 It would n't be the same , ’ said Lydia .
24 It would n't be the same place if I was n't .
25 It would n't be the same place if I was n't .
26 They would be friends again , but it would n't be the same .
27 It would n't be the same without you . ’
28 He gathered her into his arms and kissed and her and then whispered , ‘ It would n't be the same though , would it ? ’
29 It wo n't be the greatest place you 've ever lived , I know , but at least it 's going to be dry and … ’
30 If these fears prove justified , it wo n't be the first time Asian families would be forced through deliberate government policies to live in terrifying isolation .
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