Example sentences of "it [modal v] have [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The eruption which probably had the most far reaching effect on civilization was that of Santorin ( Thera ) in the Aegean , in about 1470 B.C. This abruptly extinguished the highly-developed Minoan culture centred on Crete , and , because the eruption caused the submergence beneath the sea of a large part of the island of Santorin , it may have given rise to the age-old legends of Atlantis , the ‘ lost ’ or ‘ drowned ’ continent .
2 Above her , the vault seemed so high it should have had rag-clouds like Mars , but it was unearthly white .
3 This I 'm pleased to say is being done , a meeting has been arranged with British Aerospace , it should have taken place on Monday er Mike was deputizing me at that meeting and I 'm waiting to see what the outcome of that meeting is .
4 The respect the government accorded them was correspondingly limited : it was significant that among the great civil reforms of the reign that of urban government should have been left until last , and that when enacted it should have concentrated power in the hands of a very narrow élite .
5 And it must have stirred memories for his father , Colin , sitting just along from Venables in the Maine Road .
6 A fire brigade spokesman said last night : ‘ It 's a serious matter — but it must have brought tears to her eyes . ’
7 And er this bicycle well it would go out of fashion and was put in a , a loft in one of the , it must have changed hands from Mr whom it was made for .
8 The Office of Fair Trading scrutinised the bid because it might have affected competition in the UK towage industry .
9 The Seville Junta behaved with criminal selfishness and , but for the moderation of its general , it might have declared war on Granada ; it refused to send the Andalusian Army to the critical Ebro front where the French , after Joseph had withdrawn from Madrid in the panic caused by the defeat of French corps by the patriots of Bailén , were massing for a reinvasion of Spain .
10 It might have moderated things at the margins , but it has done little to address or solve issues of economic decline , deprivation or inadequate housing in the cities .
11 If Microsoft is found to have a case to answer , the minimum possibility is that the company is forced to sign a consent decree under which it has to unbundle , and agree not to bundle in future — for instance it might have to dismantle Windows for Workgroups and sell the networking elements as a separate product ( similar networking code will be an integral part of standard Windows NT ) ; at worst , the company could be forced to split itself into two completely different companies , one for operating systems and languages , the other for applications .
12 If Labour had accepted PR , and the possibility of an agreement with the Liberal Democrats to introduce it , then it could have ensured defeat for the Conservatives by giving the Lib Dems a clear run in as few as 20 seats .
13 In other words , the DTI had failed to understand fully its own legal powers with which it could have put pressure on Barlow Clowes .
14 It would have made sense for the Government to include this measure in that Bill so that it could be dealt with at the same time .
15 Otherwise it would have written geography on there !
16 Not unnaturally , he wished to proceed with the sale because , by reducing the amount owed , it would have stopped interest from accruing at such an alarming rate .
17 An improved version of the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education ( CPVE ) was on the stocks but a manager 's negotiation about it would have to take place with the City and Guilds of London Institute ( CGLI ) .
18 Because the Josephson junction has only two terminals — going in and coming out , like a diode — it would have to form part of a more complex circuit .
19 It would have abolished distinctions between vaginal intercourse and other sexual acts and prohibited cross-examination of the victim about her personal and sexual life .
20 One senior official of the European Commission said recently that , had there been a common Community defence policy , it would have committed forces to the Gulf .
21 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
22 ‘ Without their local knowledge and contacts it would have taken years for us to achieve what we have managed in a few months , ’ said .
23 Under the previous organisation it would have taken months of internal wrangling to resolve the conflicting aspirations of regionally based management .
24 It would have outlawed abortions in all cases except where pregnancy threatened a woman 's life , no exceptions being made for pregnancy resulting from rape or incest , and no account being taken of a woman 's ill-health or poverty .
25 ‘ He was Gervaise 's baby , Cynthia , and with Gervaise dying , it would have meant part of him lived on .
26 Unquestionably , if either Richard or John had married her , it would have added plausibility to Philip 's claim that this vital territory was his sister 's marriage portion and , as such , might one day be returned to France .
27 To insure that risk , it would have to buy cover of $10m from a standard insurer every year .
28 It is understood that a key factor in the failure of the Channel 4-IMG bid was that it would have required games to be played at certain times , a condition which was unacceptable to the players and FIDE .
29 Whitsuntide was 17 May in 1030 , and as the saint 's body was raised during the following night , it would have entered Canterbury on 18 May .
30 If he 'd gone back to Zimbala it would have brought disgrace on the family .
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