Example sentences of "it [modal v] be [adj] [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 To avoid duplication , where Newco 's lawyers are undertaking their own investigations , it may be appropriate for them to prepare a report and address it to the investors , provided the investors ' lawyers review the work carried out by the Newco 's lawyers ; however , it is unlikely that such a course would be acceptable to the bank .
2 It may be hard for them to go on giving warmth and understanding love amidst the euphoria and excitement that can surround the search for the birth parents and their possible discovery .
3 First , it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner .
4 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
5 It may be easier for them to talk to a fellow inmate . ’
6 Now you know , wi with lots of experts in this field and so we 're we only simply put that forward as a , a general suggestion whether it should be one-third from them and two- thirds from the pension funds , you know , I do n't think is a matter of great importance to us , but we do think that the should perhaps be a bit spread , spread a bit more widely than just into the pension funds .
7 If a person develops these attributes over time , it must be possible for them to develop with practice in later life or through training .
8 She says it must be one of them along there .
9 It must be difficult for them to understand when the way that we use ‘ big ’ is so confusing .
10 It must be frightening for them to see Ryan on the bench .
11 It must be horrible for them when cars crash outside their homes .
12 They think it might be one of them ? ’
13 She considered approaching him and asking if it might be possible for them to spend more time together , but the difference of nine years in their age put her in awe of him still , and she decided it was not her place to make such suggestions .
14 For Zoe 's sake it might be necessary for them to come back .
15 It might be better for them to prop up the Ottoman empire for a while longer , but at the same time to keep their options open by maintaining contact with the various factions amongst the Serbs .
16 C It might seem tedious to you , but it might be interesting to them — because I mean to say , if you waant them to know your culture you afi chat it [ afi = " have to " ]
17 so she was telling me all about it and er , the times they were going , oh it 'll be nice for them
18 so er , it 'll be nice for them in the summer , especially for the little sister , now she 's getting more confident in the summer like they can go to all the shows and that
19 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
20 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
21 He said it would be traumatic for them to be flown home to Orkney for the Proof Hearing , only to be flown away again afterwards .
22 When people in this nation argue against a minimum wage policy , it would be salutary for them to remember that there are hundreds of domestic slaves in this country who are grossly underpaid .
23 No I think , I reckon that if you knew that the bloke was an easy pull , they would n't do it if they , if they knew they could n't get the girl cos otherwise it would be embarrassing for them , but if they knew that she was an easy pull they 'd do it for a joke .
24 Subjects might pause out of habit at points where it would be appropriate for them to pause when reading aloud .
25 Leila had said it would be presumptuous for them all to descend on Roirbak like an unwelcome plague , so had communicated ahead and reserved rooms in a cheap hostel popular with nomad natros .
26 We also told him that , as a matter of policy , regardless of the legal situation , we certainly would n't be prepared to offer the painting for sale unless it had first been offered to the museum to see whether it would be possible for them to re-acquire it .
27 In the first place developing countries accepted the loans that were thrust at them because they believed what the West was telling them — that it would be possible for them to industrialize , to develop their economies to the point where paying back the loan later on would be an easy matter .
28 If the little creatures were really blank paper at birth , nobody would ever have the slightest difficulty in writing on them whatever their particular culture required , and it would be impossible for them ever to surprise their elders by unexpected conduct .
29 Other people have a concept of God so fundamentally false that it would be better for them to doubt than to remain devout .
30 It would be it would be better for them than doing all the extensions together cos doing all the extension booklets
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