Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be through therapy that they 're able to explore that erm .
2 It may well be of course that father was a bit er all dog and no cat sort of person , you know ?
3 It may well be in fact that there is a consensus about subjective taste , but this is quite different from saying that taste is objective !
4 Next time you come up with a hypothetical outer limit of inanity , better check with Washington before publishing ; it may already be in effect .
5 It may thus be of value in controlling outlays for ‘ socially responsible ’ purposes , or , conceivably , on a limited range projects motivated by management self-interest , for example , the acquisition of an over-lavish corporate headquarters .
6 If you buy a ‘ Rolex ’ watch for £50 , you know it 's unlikely to be genuine , but what you would n't know is that it may only be worth £5 .
7 If sexual dissonance exists it may sometimes be beyond help .
8 Which if nothing else , qualifies it as more mature than those Ministry of Agriculture officials who pronounced themselves this week to be ‘ absolutely happy ’ that it should now be on sale .
9 It must surely be for Parliament to lay down the procedures which are to be followed before a Bill can become an Act .
10 When Lord Morris stated ‘ It must surely be for Parliament to lay down the procedures which are to be followed before a Bill can become an Act .
11 If ‘ competence ’ is to be usefully specified it must initially be in terms current amongst police .
12 The common features of a course for future accountants , managers , bankers and teachers are to be found in the educational purposes of the academic study of literatures and languages — and where these include study of language it must still be in terms of common interests and not the sectional approach of linguistics for language teachers .
13 It might just be of help to me .
14 he 's been able to get round it really , it might well be above board , but the police have been looking into it
15 It might well be of concern to him , for example , if the content of a particular religion proved to be at odds with the ethical criteria he would associate himself with the concept of Truth .
16 It might well be near Doune .
17 Might not the electrodes , the constraining wires , and the very fact of being observed in a laboratory , not only delay sleep but actually alter the quality of sleep from what it might usually be at home ?
18 There 's a warning on local radio that it 'll soon be over Starr Hills as well . ’
19 Before the show we have a little reception in hospitality , and if I meet the guests at all before the show , it 'll either be in make-up or there , over a glass of orange juice .
20 It 'll probably be for Christmas , there 's not many I thought perhaps
21 It could even be of benefit by exposing parts of leaves that would normally be hidden .
22 This is the outer layer of the tent designed to protect you from the elements , usually wind and rain , but it could also be from heat .
23 Maria said vehemently , her thoughts flying briefly to Rachel , for whom marriage was a trap in a way it could never be for Florian .
24 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
25 I consider that it could only be of assistance to them if they had that foundation with which to commence their overview of the requirements of the case and the discharge of their statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 .
26 And he still filled it , but now it could only be with regret for the enormity of her mistakes .
27 If the Ketterings had wanted another family to stand in for them , it could only be for recognition by someone they wished to avoid or who might be a danger to them .
28 It could only be from Mrs Browning .
29 Only gradually did it dawn on those responsible that vigorous and determined nationalist organizations had grown up in the shadow of the Japanese , that these movements had flourished exceedingly in the vacuum left by the collapse of Japanese power , and that if the colonial regimes were to be reconstituted it could only be by force .
30 If it were to be stopped at all , then it could only be by means that fell entirely outside the constitution .
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