Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Will it only learn the song of its own species or will it learn any tape recorded song it may have played to it during its memorizing phase ?
2 It must have occurred to you before you dropped your bombshell that it would distract Simon , ’ Vitor said , starting to pace up and down the confined space like an enraged tiger trapped in a too small cage .
3 It must have occurred to you that Dawn is probably very jealous — in particular of the fact that he took you with him to the zoo . ’
4 It must have looked to him — and to the viewers , with whom he had a strong following — that his status as television performer would suffer .
5 It must have seemed to him that Vincent had gained immeasurably in strength and confidence since their last confrontation .
6 Perhaps they meant it , but he died of a fever his first winter here and it must have seemed to him that they 'd broken a promise .
7 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
8 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
9 Otherwise it might have occurred to her to wonder just what had happened since her arrival in London to so raise her jaundiced opinion of the whole male sex …
10 it would have gone to them and , rather to their solicitor , yes
11 He would no more have thought of behaving as Harold Macmillan did in 1962 , and dismissing nearly a half of them as though they were junior executives in an ailing company , than it would have occurred to him to divorce his wife and marry one of his walking companions .
12 ‘ I do n't think it would have occurred to her to want to die , ’ I said .
13 ‘ I thought it would have appealed to you , bein' as your friend Fenwick 's one of their ilk . ’
14 Clare thought of telling her what it would have meant to her as a young girl to have a nicely furnished room to herself — what it would mean to her now for that matter — but sensed that such remarks would serve no useful purpose .
15 Seeing a typical villa from a distance , it would have looked to us rather like a Tudor house .
16 I 'm glad it went there , because we all got a chance to see it , but the chances are it would have come to us and , and fitted much more snugly if you like .
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