Example sentences of "it [be] no [noun] of [pers pn] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 ‘ Be that as it may ’ — Miss Rene 's voice had a touch of admonition in it — ‘ as I 'm always telling you : betters do as betters do ; it 's no concern of me or you . ’
2 It 's no concern of yours what I do . ’
3 It 's no concern of yours . ’
4 It 's no concern of mine if you choose to sit up there all night , half dressed , not to mention half cut .
5 The choice of literature , as you realize was meant to be contrasting , and I put book down as an example of what I thought was the worst possible , er , use of use of psychoanalysis , kind of gutter journalism , erm and which you did n't look at , and it 's , it 's no criticism of you erm , because er , you had your work cut out with what you did do , but the reason I put down Gandhi 's Truth , if anybody 's ever read that , have they ?
6 It 's no business of ours to referee lifestyles . ’
7 It 's no business of mine , of course ! ’
8 ‘ I mean , you can live where and how you like , it 's no business of mine , but there 's the children to think about . ’
9 ‘ After all , it 's no business of mine . ’
10 It 's no business of mine to worry about how sick you are . ’
11 She said quietly , ‘ It 's no business of mine who inherits La Tour Monchauzet , madame , unless you think I have some prior claim through Monsieur Fabien .
12 Anyway , it 's your$ , it 's no business of mine at all , I should n't really be here .
13 Oh well anyway it 's a code name , it 's no business of yours .
14 I 'm a farmer — and if I do happen to be mixed up in other people ’ s extraordinary affairs , it 's no fault of mine .
15 It is no criticism of them to say that I felt a bit of a nuisance .
16 It is no concern of mine if they overhear us . ’
17 It is no concern of his if the city is stubborn , and suffers .
18 It was no concern of hers , in any event .
19 I decide , I I choose , I will come , I will receive it , but the actual giving of that life , t is the same as the giving of the life to that babe , it was no choice of it , it was no , did n't i , was n't determined by it 's own will .
20 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
21 I took it he knew what he was about , and it was no business of ours to be curious about the abbey 's affairs . ’
22 ‘ Document A. That the man , who was belligerent on several occasions at first , threatening the social worker called in by the Visitor , said it was no business of theirs as it was a family matter and that the girl 's father , his own brother , had given his consent , and what more could you want , and there was no higher authority than that , and no wonder there was so much crime on the streets if the government took away the father 's power , and why did n't they do something about crime on the streets instead of invading people 's homes .
23 She reasoned that , if the Shills wished not to be disturbed , it was no business of hers or indeed of the police .
24 Melissa was about to retort that Dora had every right to be concerned about her friend , but reminded herself that it was no business of hers and that in any case , Dora was quite capable of fighting her own battles .
25 Shelley had been watching them , amused at this family banter , knowing that it was no business of hers to stay , now that she knew the old man was all right .
26 The chivalry towards women which gentleman were supposed to possess — but often did n't — was a very real part of Neil 's nature , and , having seen what was happening , he could not stand by , or walk away , telling himself that it was no business of his .
27 It was no doing of mine .
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