Example sentences of "it [be] no [noun] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It 's no skin off your nose , is it ?
2 It 's no skin off my nose , she decided finally , after a second glass of punch .
3 ‘ I suppose it 's no skin off my nose .
4 It 's no skin off my nose . ’
5 I 've learned to live with my disability , and learned to live without other people , so it 's no skin off my nose .
6 It 's no fun for my colleagues to be away .
7 However , it 's no part of our Christian duty to be quietest .
8 ‘ That may be , ’ his grandfather warned him , ‘ but it 's no part of your task in this world to avenge Patrick Glas , saints cure him .
9 It 's no criticism of his book to say that his view from within remains , as mine did from without , unmistakably English .
10 Cos it 's no good on its own .
11 I 'd have had that if that had been a different colour , but it 's cos it 's brown it 's no good in our kitchen .
12 His successor as curator , Arthur T. Bolton [ q.v. ] , claimed that ‘ it is no disrespect to his distinguished predecessors in that office to assert that he was the best curator that ever held that position of trust ’ , an opinion that was shared by ( Sir ) John Summerson , who succeeded Bolton .
13 It is no denigration of his immense achievement to point to these real difficulties which it raises .
14 It is no part of my duty now to give any thought to the making of my own soul or the righting of what I have done wrong .
15 IT is no use on its own : the attitudes and energy of tutors and learners are very relevant to making it a valued and effective resource .
16 So it was no skin off my nose , it was no big deal to shut up shop in the middle of the day .
17 It was no affair of his that she had left the London studio in the capable hands of her assistant .
18 It was no part of her plan to rush in on them .
19 ‘ He must have hurt you very badly , ’ Rose said in a conciliatory tone , for it was no part of her scheme to antagonise Theda .
20 The Exchequer was not really designed to provide the King with a store of liquid cash and it was no part of its role to expand existing sources of revenue , invent new ones , or curb royal expenditure .
21 It was no part of his duty to say — nor did he purport to say — whether in his judgment the billeting of the 70 men at the colliery was necessary for the prevention of violence or the protection of the mines from criminal injury .
22 By the Act of Uniformity of 1662 the Chancellor had the right to suspend the schoolmaster on religious grounds , but it was no business of his whom the Company should appoint .
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