Example sentences of "it [be] time that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Comrades , it 's time that this union , along with other trade unions , made it absolutely clear to the Labour leadership , we are the Labour Party , it is us that gives resources , our time , our money , everything to try and get them elected and it 's time they stopped kicking us in the teeth at times such as this .
2 It is time that technical education remained not much more than a debating topic , although the Education Act 1918 , did make 14 the universal minimum leaving age and , far more controversial , it began to introduce compulsory part-time day continuation classes .
3 Despite this marked success , or because of it , it is time that serious consideration is given to the industry , particularly the pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical sections .
4 The sweeping has not been great yet and perhaps it is time that some ball ‘ off the top ’ is considered as an option .
5 Surely , it is time that some form of flexibility was introduced into the compensation legislation for armed services personnel who are severely injured in the course of their duties .
6 The speaker offended by gross lapses of taste — ‘ It is time that old bachelor on the Tiber got married ’ , — ‘ Nicodemus was a religious sneak ’ — and by forceful appeals — ‘ Will the hypocrites please leave the church ? ’
7 It is time that these facts were addressed .
8 It is time that Tory Members understood that they should pay theirs , too .
9 It is time that more attention was drawn to the contribution of the SBS to the war in the Mediterranean ; what better way than to republish this first class account .
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