Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 er obviously what you 're saying with it 's already in use and we ca n't have it ?
2 These questions are often opening gambits for a negotiation of some sort , even if it 's just for interest and approval from one another .
3 It 's also about organisations and the people within them — not just the patient who dies , but the doctors , nurses , auxiliaries , planners , administrators , clerks , and porters , and the noisy , chaotic interaction between them and the structure that surrounds them .
4 Because you keep it all inside it against you , you begin to feel bad about yourself you begin to lose your self esteem erm you know and that 's the most dangerous thing about being bullied in terms of being at school or whether it 's even at work and being submissive is withdraw internalise and to take it out on yourself .
5 That 's an interesting point that , any square root , any square root you always get two answers for square roots yeah , it 's always plus thing and minus thing , in complex numbers , when you get complex numbers there are always what we call complex conjugators , if you drew them on them , on them diagram , right , if you drew them on the diagram , what 'll you get , plus five minus three I , plus five , minus three I , and then and then we get minus five , plus three I , You get plus and minus there .
6 ‘ In fact , it 's permanently in storage and it 's probably the most interesting thing he ever painted , but the subject matter makes it a little , how shall I put it , undesirable for public display . ’
7 Menlo Park , California-based Objectivity Inc has developed a Kanji version of its object database management system in combination with Mitsui Computer Corp and the Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute : it 's currently in beta and will become available on HP 9000s and Sparcstations next month .
8 One of the clerks thought of Middleton , since it 's midway between Middlesborough and Stockton .
9 When she offers to sleep with him , he refuses , as he knows it 's only for release and not love .
10 Looking at the objects available is of little help , as it 's only by trial and error that the problem can be solved .
11 It 's there for research and development …
12 It 's there in black and white .
13 For his son , Rock , who had spent most of his life adoring his father like a god , ‘ it was somewhat like the feeling … it 's late at night and you 're alone on the Tube riding with a bunch of thugs and they get off your car . ’
14 If there is no-one nearby it is well worth time and money to travel to a good director , perhaps with visits twice or three times a year .
15 While it is true that the game is about players and playing , it is also about supporters and watching .
16 Another sub-contractor , Amalgamated Tanks International from Great Yarmouth , confirmed last night it is also in dispute and has sought legal advice .
17 It is just past midnight and many of the cadets from Old College are guarding well-concealed patrol bases in remote valleys and woods up in the Welsh hills near Sennybridge .
18 The breed is unusual , and perhaps unique among cattle , in its grazing habits : it is quite without discrimination and leaves a level swathe through mixed grass , clover and weeds , eating whatever happens to be in front of its muzzle .
19 They 've got so many c like he said it is really like science and all that
20 It is there in black and white .
21 It is there in Stanley and the Women , which persuaded Marilyn Butler — somewhat against the odds , but none the less intelligibly — to interpret it in the London Review as a critique of male supremacy , but which has left a very different impression on others .
22 It is almost between Llandudno and Blaenau Ffestiniog .
23 It is now under lock and key near her husband 's tomb , waiting for the next opening of the royal vault for her last repose . ’
24 If the chemical diffuses a long way it is more like shouting and a larger number of cells could receive the signal .
25 It is only through learning and understanding these considerations that we can really love our partner sexually .
26 It is only at weekends and during the holidays .
27 It is only with practise and experimentation that you will discover which shapes you most enjoy creating , and which designs work best for you .
28 Our body is very resilient and it is only after years and years of mistreatment that it finally says , ‘ I ca n't stand this any more . ‘
29 In later academic criticism , it is only among Marxists and feminists that we had an overt evaluative pressure .
30 It is perhaps through experimentation and experience at these lower levels in the government of education that we shall best find imaginative solutions to the problem of getting ‘ the curriculum gallon into the timetable pint pot ’ as well as moving towards a greater ( and yet flexible ) consensus on which ideally a national curriculum should rest .
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