Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 UV light seems to have a particular penchant for DNA , and the chemical changes that UV radiation causes in it are manifest as genetic mutations .
2 Would it be possible for other areas to be given housing action trusts , in addition to all the resources and programmes that my hon. Friend has mentioned ?
3 Only in a small number , with conditions and parameters like our own universe , will it be possible for intelligent life to develop and to ask the question , ‘ Why is the universe as we observe it ? ’
4 It is natural that our understanding of the solar system and our place in it be subject to periodic revision , continuing with a process of learning and discovery that began long before even the invention of the telescope .
5 The latter case would indicate that , if it were possible for real observers to pass through the horizon , then most would miss this singularity .
6 Meeting Thomas reminded me that human relations do n't have to be like this , that in other countries you open your account in credit , and unless you squander that goodwill by behaving like a complete arsehole , the mutual warmth continues to grow with every subsequent encounter , as though it were natural for human beings to get on together .
7 It would be a complete misunderstanding to discuss this argument as though it were dependent on empirical facts about whether or not myths were the product of one person .
8 The fact that the exaggerated acid response to gastrin did not resolve after eradication of H pylori does not exclude it being due to trophic effects of H pylori induced hypergastrinaemia on the oxyntic mucosa .
9 Do n't adjust your set ’ , say the know-alls , ‘ It 's due to abnormal weather conditions . ’
10 Its format has changed over that time , quite a bit , because like any quality system , it 's subject to constant review .
11 The man who spotted it says it 's inaccessible without proper equipment so Mr Scales is getting through to the coastguards , sir . ’
12 If you then take the point that it 's beyond the greenbelt , again you 've limited the area of search and if we take the point that Mr I think put across so well that it 's consistent with sub-regional policy , you already immediately then rule out that part of the erm area round Greater York that would have greatest impact on the Leeds Conurbation .
13 It 's black with blue dye over the top .
14 And of course Lewes is a small enough town that it 's possible for ordinary people to be involved in central activities like Council activities and so on .
15 And of course Lewes is a small enough town that it 's possible for ordinary people to be involved in , in central activities like council activities and so on .
16 Do you think it 's do you think what do you think of the flats to live you know , as a senior citizen , do you think it 's suitable for senior citizens to live in the flats ?
17 It 's odd by current supercar standards because as BMW 's 300bhp V12 engine was never meant to be a stressed item — it is carried in a subframe sling — but otherwise it looks like it could be built tomorrow .
18 I think it is broken because it says also er Manchester to er I know it 's expensive on British Rail but it says one thousand three hundred and five pounds up there .
19 And it 's awkward with bound hands .
20 It 's essential for good vision that they stay together , particularly over the central area .
21 ‘ Combined with the taut steering it 's great for narrow country lanes .
22 Oh it 's obvious that safety 's involved , I think that er it 's also er road use because er if people take a long time er going forwards and back trying to get into a space to park because they do n't have the basic skills to enable them to do it , then it 's frustrating for other motorists , and obviously accidents can be caused .
23 But these , th it 's escalating with little children it 's either
24 It 's typical of Socialist envy to suggest that people ought to earn the same .
25 In a twelve hour period the number of lorries has increased by over two hundred — and it 's similar with commercial vans .
26 It 's available on non-stop flights from Heathrow to Tokyo .
27 So it er could pay you in the first year of business to incur any capital that you could afford , because you can either get it against your first year 's profits , or by not using the capital allowances , it 's available for subsequent years ' profit .
28 It 's available from selected DIY stores , priced about £5.50 .
29 Suitable for all types of hair , it 's available from major branches of Boots .
30 We do n't need it for the expansion of our race ; indeed , it 's inimical to orderly civilization .
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