Example sentences of "it [be] [art] [noun] of his " in BNC.

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1 It is natural that the surrealist should deal in super-abundance , quite apart from it being a reflection of his youth .
2 It 's a test of his imaginative sympathy .
3 and I think it 's a friend of his .
4 It 's no criticism of his book to say that his view from within remains , as mine did from without , unmistakably English .
5 As for the great Largo e mesto itself , here it 's the intensity of his phrasing that gives so sharp an edge to the sorrow .
6 He , He went into hospital and they said erm that it 's the muscles of his heart that were affected they could n't do anything more for him !
7 It 's the race of his life and he should get the result of his life . ’
8 Tonight it 's the story of his uncle and as he stands around in the hall , he talks about his Uncle Rocco who was stationed in Ipswich .
9 It 's the secret of his success .
10 It 's the culmination of his development in the theatre since the mid-Sixties brought his unforgettable Lear with Paul Scofield ; his Theatre of Cruelty season ; and the sledgehammer , operatic impact of his Marat/Sade .
11 Allan says it 's the pressure of his work but the truth is he does n't find her appealing any more .
12 It 's the basis of his feelings of nationalism . ’
13 In fact , it is a measure of his poverty both that he is unaware of it and that he can define himself only in negative terms .
14 It is a measure of his success in launching this new functional approach that we now take it so much for granted that we forget , and even find difficulty in appreciating , the novelty which it represented at the time .
15 The Department owes a great deal to Noel Thomas and it is a measure of his success as Chairman that when at the end of the 1989 academic year he handed over the hot seat to Angus Easson , the latter 's first task was one of consolidation .
16 He also received an honorary degree at Harvard University — it is a measure of his popularity , perhaps , that when he was at a reception there with E. M. Forster the students and teachers ignored the novelist and crowded around the poet .
17 In Zeus 's other great sanctuary , at Dodona in the north , he seems likewise to have been without a temple until the fifth century ; perhaps it is a function of his ancient role as sky-god .
18 It is a mark of his abrupt nature .
19 And in March 1958 he travelled with his wife to Rome where he was to receive an honorary degree : it is a mark of his extraordinary fame that students lined the route to the university and shouted " Viva Eliot ! " as they drove by .
20 It is a work of his full maturity , enormously demanding technically and closely argued , combining orthodox sonata form , a sophisticated late-romantic idiom and elements derived from Romanian folk-music .
21 It is a part of his search for perfection , according to Mr Ferguson , who is delighted at the way Schmeichel has adapted to life in England .
22 It is a part of his malady .
23 Swannson already has a depot in Swindon but it is a condition of his O licence for that operating centre that maintenance can only be carried out in a restricted manner .
24 The author has asked us to point out that it is a desire of his to see opinions of restorations expressed by speakers at conferences thrown open to the floor for immediate debate this is not the prevailing state of affairs .
25 I am told it is a result of his ‘ re-structuring ’ at the clinic .
26 As it is a list of his own making , it is not much of an excuse .
27 It is no denigration of his immense achievement to point to these real difficulties which it raises .
28 It is no concern of his if the city is stubborn , and suffers .
29 While Eubank would do well to respect Gimenez 's aggressive , hard-punching style — the Paraguayan has lost five times but never been stopped — it is the preservation of his own lavish lifestyle that drives 26-year-old Eubank on to fight after punishing fight .
30 It is the story of his search for cultural and historical identity and is , in this sense , a personal exploration as well as a travel book .
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