Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] her [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 It is simply her case that they would be better off with her in England rather than without her in Australia .
2 It is probably her presence that encourages the children to compare the size of the dolls and to talk about things they notice as they play .
3 It is n't her fault that people keep running after her , and it 's unpleasant for her , people jumping on and off … ’
4 There were a few , half-hearted chuckles to keep her happy , but she knew it was n't her jokes that they were appreciating .
5 Except that it was n't her name that she carved into the yielding stone , but her sister 's .
6 There were too many shadows between that time and this , but as she listened it was n't her past that came back to her , it was his .
7 But it was n't her vision that was affected , she realized ; it was her mind .
8 It was n't her reaction that I was wary of , it 's just that she does n't even know how she made her children so how was she going to understand what I was trying to tell her !
9 She had read of men stripping a woman 's clothes away with a look , but it was n't her apparel that Rune 's rapier appraisal discarded .
10 She moved to switch out the light , forgetting that it was not her lamp that glowed on the bedside table , but he caught her arm , oh-so-very-gently , this time .
11 ‘ It was partly the Welshness of it all which appealed to her — the wool is grown , spun , woven and made up here in Wales , but it was also her feeling that in the commercial life everything was grab , grab , grab and here was a little corner of the world where she could do a bit of good . ’
12 Shannon held out her hand to both newcomers , wondering if it was simply her imagination that saw a coolly speculative gleam in Marianne 's eyes .
13 She was trying hard to catch up with this new revelation , and it obviously was n't easy ; her expression more or less steady , it was mainly her eyes that betrayed the complex reprocessing of ideas that was taking place within .
14 Her cheek pressed flat between his shoulders , Mariana clung to Trent as if it was only her strength that saved them from disintegration .
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