Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] think [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Chimpanzees are so like us intellectually and physiologically , it 's absurd to think that we ca n't have some kind of rapport . ’
2 As you watch a buzzard quartering the ground , it 's easy to think that they are very lazy birds .
3 it 's tempting to think that he 's using phraseology picked up on a recent voyage on the Star Ship Enterprise .
4 It 's incredible to think that it 's been going on all these years !
5 Other people found his looks so engaging that it is sad to think that he was deeply conscious of noses , especially when he was worried about Jewishness .
6 Although there is no evidence that Horace Walpole ( who died on 2 March 1797 ) ever attended College meetings it is pleasant to think that he may have formed the undiscovered link between Lord Camden and the as yet unlocated Veterinary College .
7 It is easy to think that they are made by men .
8 If you do have a fairly sophisticated information service it is easy to think that you have all the answers to hand , but this may not be the case .
9 The exceptional quality of the portrait of Spring is immediately apparent when one turns to that of Summer … it is difficult to think that it was produced by the " painter " of Spring : the delineation of the features is insensitive , the colouring inferior " ( Smith 1976 , 9 ) .
10 So little of a reliable nature is known of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's life , so prominent is the association of him with Aksaray that it is tempting to think that he passed his whole life there : such certainly is the thrust of the Ottoman sources as well as Melikoff 's article .
11 It was sad to think that they had waited so long in England for this invasion of their homeland and after a few hours ashore so many of them had been killed or wounded , the dead now lying in a temporary grave in the corner of a Normandy orchard .
12 It was strange to think that he had once been young .
13 humbug and foolishness ; that it was all prearranged ; that he was given music which he already knew ; that it was ridiculous to think that he could compose , and so forth .
14 It was depressing to think that he was the closest friend that the old man had , and it stirred all the usual guilt feelings — should have gone to see him more often , and so on .
15 Sometimes , when she was startled or frightened on my fist or as I approached her , it was painful to think that I might be responsible for her fear .
16 It was tempting to think that he might live down there for ever , occasionally emerging to dodge through the empty quiet streets ; watching for the armed patrols of the faceless men in black .
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