Example sentences of "it [conj] [art] [noun] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Too often it is exported for foreign exchange while poor people without the money to buy it or the land to grow it go hungry : South Asia still contains the majority of the world 's ‘ absolute poor ’ .
2 Instead there were Kinks in it where the rods joined it , and the ends of the rods were attached to collars which were secured around the kinks .
3 ‘ Just a long stone room but legend has it that the Templars used it for their mysteries .
4 It is rarely seen but many know of it and no man hunts it ; but that is the white stag , not a unicorn . ’
5 If we ask where that power comes from , the answer is broadly that Parliament claimed it and the courts recognised it .
6 Mr. Lawson knows it , the tobacco industry knows it and the Government know it .
7 I had to wreck it and the equipment sustaining it , but my limbs would not propel me forward .
8 There 's not much to choose between them really ; they both cut meat up but one eats it and the other pickles it .
9 We film it and the coach analyses it .
10 The slaves grew it and the children spun it and people like Miss Harker were wearing beautiful dresses .
11 And he ca n't get the note out of his pocket and his trousers are all stuck to his bum , and he ca n't get them out and he 's digging it looks like he 's digging out his pants he 's going he pulls it out and takes the envelope off nearly and the waves are coming at him and he goes to read it and the wind blows it away .
12 Rothstein deemed that the Act violated the First Amendment 's guarantee of freedom of expression , and stated that " in order for the flag to endure as a symbol of freedom in this nation , we must protect with equal vigour the right to destroy it and the right to wave it " .
13 It is elicited by being ‘ pushed around ’ and yields the feeling that one 's self exercises no control over the circumstances surrounding it and the destiny awaiting it ’ .
14 The short-term store has a limit of about twenty seconds unless there is opportunity for rehearsal , e.g. this is the maximum time available between looking up a telephone number and then dialling it unless the operator repeats it to himself .
15 I went to see it but the lady running it said they could n't take me .
16 Republicans who used to back it because the president liked it will no longer feel constrained to do so .
17 I take your point Anne , but I would prefer to help the MP understand that the nature of the way that this department is run is that officers do take responsibility for their specialist areas of work , the senior management has always supported that , and I do n't feel minded to change it because the MP finds it difficult .
18 My idea is to get the whole ballet worked out as a mere skeleton , and then embroider it when the cast know it . ’
19 The structure has suffered little at the hand of man , or from the lapse of time , so that without much imagination it is possible to picture it as the builders left it about the year 1410 .
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