Example sentences of "it [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For active hunting , a heavy shell must be something of a handicap and some carnivorous molluscs have taken to a faster if riskier life by doing without it altogether and reverting to the life-style of their flatworm-like ancestors .
2 But then you could n't just switch it on and listen to the music like the wireless .
3 Catching sight of the transistor radio , he clicked it on and fiddled with the tuning , encountering only heavy bands of static interspersed with the twittering gibberish of machines .
4 Lifting the white towelling robe from its hook behind the door , she slipped it on and hurried from the room and along the balcony to find him , smiling when she heard the low rumble of his deep voice coming from downstairs in the living-room .
5 Her hair felt rough and unpleasant to the touch because she was no longer washing it properly but improvising with a kettle of hot water in the kitchen sink .
6 He insisted on trying to go it alone and lurched against the bannister where he hung on for dear life .
7 I looked at it afresh and came to the same conclusion . ’
8 For a moment that bordered on eternity , Fran stared at the throbbing centre of her hand , then snatched it away and scrambled from the car , uncaring what interpretation he put on her haste .
9 Then she kicked it away and sank onto the bed covering her face with her hands .
10 Go on I tell you what why do n't you flip it over and start on the other side , even though it says this side done , this is an old tape from a seismograph and er we were afraid to use it in our work but I think the sound 's alright on it , you flip it over and where it says this side down , put that side up and use the other half of the tape and let me hear your comments back .
11 He put it aside and looked through the others .
12 Will the hon. Gentleman confirm that since the decision by the Secretary of State on the channel tunnel route to London , British Rail has appointed consultants to advise on the possibility of building the Eurostation above ground , rather than building it underground as proposed in the Bill ?
13 Ellis 's sense of the quiet solidarity between women , and of the bonds of love that bind the generations together , is so sure that it more than compensates for the novel 's occasional listlessness .
14 But now that the resort is quieter and cleaner , it more than compensates for the lack of clothes bargains .
15 If a mistake is made , it is best policy to admit it quickly and to work with the client and one 's colleagues to resolve it as soon as possible .
16 Gary 's great strength was an ability to get to a ball first in the penalty area , but if he received it at his feet 30 yards from goal he was looking for help , to lay it off and get into the penalty area .
17 NEEDING four points from the six singles to beat Scotland on the opening day of the Womens Home Internationals at Hermitage Ireland could not quite bring it off and lost in the end by 5–4 .
18 He grabbed her arm as she tried to run past him , but she shook it off and spun in the opposite direction .
19 She switched it off and squatted beside the kegs to read the labels .
20 If there is too much liquid left in the pan , pour it off and reduce in a separate pan ( so the meat does not overcook ) .
21 She turned it off and put on a tape of Stravinsky .
22 But the bike is only cranked over for an instant before the Australian wrenches it upright and turns on the throttle .
23 Shoot the bird to wake it up and switch to the straight-up bullets .
24 Reluctantly she picked it up and listened for a moment .
25 This one could , it could just about reach it over its paw and flicked it up and knocked on the door
26 So I chipped it into a little space over the scrum , ran round , picked it up and went up the middle of the field .
27 He picked it up and went to the door of the tent .
28 ‘ I hastily fitted it up and went through the pretence because I did n't want him knowing where I really live . ’
29 Someone had left a copy of the evening paper beside him , and he picked it up and glanced at the headline .
30 He picked it up and turned to the address section at the back .
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