Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out to be no picture after all , but the image of a worm-eaten corpse .
2 This work is described as a personal celebration of the mountains and landscapes of Nepal , but it turns out to be a pictorial account of six treks and climbs in the more popular areas of the country .
3 It turns out to be a surprisingly exact science , in which ten or fifteen minutes are spent deliberating over whether someone deserves to be graded ‘ adequate ’ or ‘ limited ’ for their motivation or their ability to organize .
4 Do n't worry if it turns out to be a false alarm — it 's always better to be safe than sorry .
5 But no , I do not want to take the chance myself in case it turns out to be a family weakness .
6 I , I have a quandary here cos I 'm not quite sure whether I should be asking a question or proposing something against the deliverance but I have attended and er listened to a number of debates arising out of this matter of er the baptism of children and time and again it 's struck me that it starts off about baptism but it turns out to be a discussion about the parents .
7 Johnson , contradicting him , took him from the particular belief to the general likelihood : from the possibility of a singular holy place to the generic derivation from water : ‘ Had it been an accidental name , the similarity between it and Anaitis might have had something in it ; but it turns out to be a mere physiological name . ’
8 So if it turns out to be a Glaucous , he has imported something without permission .
9 The nine stages of gestation of the unit will take a variable length of time depending on whether it turns out to be an " elephant " or a " mouse " .
10 ‘ Not even if it turns out to be an intruder ? ’ asked Pascoe .
11 In nine cases out of ten it turns out to be the office cleaner 's milkman 's financial adviser .
12 It 's opening leads one to expect a knowing , ‘ insider ’ political novel , but it turns out to be the story of a destructive sexual passion , complete with purple passages , the saga of a successful man who becomes obsessed with his son 's mistress , who is only too willing to oblige .
13 The software that handles index building and additions can operate on the keys separately , while the size of the gap between key and data allows the data record to be transferred into main storage if it turns out to be the required record after examination of the key by the control unit .
14 And yet it turns out to be the same old stuff only worse , more , again , further .
15 But , because I can not accept the idea of total predestination , it has then to be the human being who either succeeds or fails .
16 This was not pre-arranged ; it happens however to be the last before the lease runs out .
17 This does not have to be the value paired with the summary value for X , although in this instance it happens also to be the value for the other South East .
18 This should not surprise you , for it happens also to be the case that they tend to be an exceptionally well-qualified crowd .
19 It seemed not to be a good idea , at this stage of the group 's life , to comment on these similarities , which might have made Mr E even more conspicuously different from his colleagues , especially since , as well as asking insight-generating questions , they had told him how they had handled things better , which had moved Mr E to reject their suggestions as unworkable with somebody like Dave .
20 She was waiting for him to kiss her , he realized , and it seemed suddenly to be the natural thing to do .
21 Susannah Creese 's Asparagus Triptych , which won the young artists ' award , was the best thing in the show , even if it seemed hardly to be a watercolour .
22 He had give his name as E. Thomas Reardon and it turned out to be a pseudonym , so cheques left on the mantel were useless , and he must have known that they would be .
23 It turned out to be a story about the residents of a block of flats being used as breeders by aliens , who implant their offspring into the unsuspecting humans .
24 However , it turned out to be a very relaxed meeting , so much so that when the private session was over and the press were invited in to take photographs , the Prince said to the Pope , ‘ Let me introduce you to my press corps . ’
25 Despite a grim weather forecast the previous day , with the threat of thunderstorms , it turned out to be a sunny day — and it was quickly blessed with a record-breaking inward half of 29 by Mark Calcavecchia .
26 It turned out to be a man shovelling sand off the road .
27 It must take him at least half an hour to get to the point of the flash and back to his own bank , even if it turned out to be a wild goose chase and he was able to return immediately .
28 It turned out to be a cheap pair of spectacles with one red lens and one blue lens .
29 On three occasions a diligent search turned up a small droplet on the ground , and under the microscope it turned out to be a sperm mass .
30 It turned out to be a programme of popular Baroquerie , in thoroughly ‘ inauthentic ’ performances ( just imagine the Philadelphia Orchestra , with strings in vibrato overdrive , playing ‘ Sheep May Safely Graze ’ ! ) , which nevertheless once again reflects careful programming , and as a well-upholstered background to a meal of similar ( pro ) portions and dimensions , should satisfy even the healthiest appetite .
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