Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
2 It seemed odd at the time , ’ the youth went on , unconscious of his sudden undesirability .
3 It rained most of the time , and when we were kicked out of the youth hostel for the day we walked around and sat in bus shelters .
4 Weather did not deter them ; it rained most of the time and they traversed ground that had little or no trace of thoroughfare .
5 After previous days ' lovely weather , disappointed that visibility was poor and it rained most of the time .
6 Few saw it like that at the time .
7 and I thought come into my head , it 's probably complete rubbish but it seems logical at the time which was , if you got rid of er , a lot of the various taxes that they paid and put everything on to VAT , apart from the fact that you 'd be a few , just by upping the rate of VAT they would collect the extra monies , you 'd save a lot of the money you 'd pay in administration costs by , all the various different departments er
8 It seems ironic at a time of mounting concern about the excessive hours of junior hospital doctors .
9 It seems providential at a time when good news and dreams are in short supply : 430 unknown drawings by Amedeo Modigliani from his eight crucial years in Paris ( 1906–14 ) , which will be published by Noel Alexandre in September .
10 We just left it blank most of the time , because The Bar was always changing its name .
11 But as far as that 's concerned , er I mean the , the house can be passed over to you , and would then become , er you would own the house but er unless you dispose of it , there 'd be no liability to a gain , and er of course , at that time er if your parents in it rent free at the time of their er leaving the house , then you could then dispose of that without erm erm er liability .
12 What this meant was n't certain , but it sounded good at the time .
13 ‘ I thought it sounded odd at the time ; now I know why . ’
14 They listen for them , cocking their heads to one side to catch the sound of the grub chewing its way through the wood which , since wood is its food , it does most of the time .
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