Example sentences of "it [verb] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think it needs to go down under the barrier act .
2 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
3 Over the years it has settled down to the equivalent of ‘ dinner for two ’ , thus about £60 in 1990 in Greenock .
4 And it says come down onto the wet pale sand ,
5 It began to break down by the 1790s when the pressure of a growing population and insufficient work meant that over a fifth of the labour force was virtually permanently unemployed .
6 It began to break down in the post-war years and during that period , too , the concentration of control functions in London also began to increase .
7 Er because the pit bottom was lit up and it meant going down into the dark , an exciting thought for a young fella , er and so off I went and I was put down on one of the faces , as a lad , and said , Right lad , you want to be collier ?
8 A bi-partisan approach to foreign policy could be maintained in the most momentous ever commitment in US foreign policy , the North Atlantic Pact , but it had broken down on the issue of China even if ‘ the attack of the primitives ’ , as Acheson put it , had as much to do with Truman 's unexpected victory in the presidential election in 1948 and the consequent fury and frustration of the Republican Party .
9 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
10 Widespread evidence indicated that it had burnt down in the later second century .
11 Once it was called Murias , and many stories were told of how it had sunk down from the upper world to Undersea .
12 That was why it was ever brought to light so it 's gone down to the next generation .
13 It 's come down through the years , this story .
14 But at least it 's w it 's wound down without the apprentices winding down .
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