Example sentences of "in just [art] [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is this incredible flexibility that allows us to juggle page layouts in just a few minutes and produce a fresh piece of artwork each time rather than wait hours , even days , for the re-worked page to come back from the artist 's studio .
2 So you have to set the boundaries for friends , in just the same way that you do for parents .
3 There is arms marketing , love of arms , pushing of arms like drugs ; an emotive tie to weapons , in just the same way that people become dependent on other consumer goods .
4 Water in fine-grained materials with small pores experiences a greater capillary suction in just the same way that the height to which water rises in a capillary tube increases as the diameter of the tube decreases .
5 A fragment from an altarpiece can not be appraised in just the same way as an independent portrait ; and a craftsman 's skill is esteemed more accurately when the materials used are rightly identified .
6 A and B might well have features in common from the outset ( the c elements in the figure ) and these will produce primary generalization — training on A will give associative strength to stimulus elements that are present also in B. The X representation functions in just the same way as the c elements in producing generalization except for the fact that the ability of A and B to activate X is based on prior conditioning .
7 It is equally true to say that the advent of the impending change has caused the behaviour in just the same way as an itch causes a scratch .
8 But , however special , it is first and foremost a workplace — in just the same way as a factory , a hospital , or school .
9 It is true that the cost to the Exchequer is below average because no benefits are paid ( though there is still a loss of potential taxation ) , but the unemployed may suffer from lack of income , boredom and depression in just the same way as the counted unemployed ; furthermore , since they are capable and available for work , they represent a loss of potential output .
10 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
11 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
12 Rhubarb fool is made in just the same way as gooseberry fool , but needs an even larger proportion of sugar , preferably dark brown , and it is very necessary when the rhubarb is cooked to put it in a colander or sieve and let the excess juice drain off before the purée is made and the cream added .
13 The pulses of light passing through the slots are converted to electrical signals by the photocell and are treated in just the same way as those of the mechanical system .
14 In his second reading speech on the National Assistance Bill in 1947 , for example , Aneurin Bevan argued that the accommodation in a local authority old person 's home should be charged for in just the same way as that in a private hotel or nursing home , ‘ so that any old persons who wish to go may go there in exactly the same way as many well-to-do people have been accustomed to go into residential hotels ’ ( HC Debates , 1947 , Col. 1609 ) .
15 We need to define that role and monitor the progress of projects from the user perspective in just the same way as we do from the supplier perspective .
16 Read the slope of the bank in just the same way as you would with a long putt , and the results can often be very accurate .
17 However , there is a distinct intensional structure underlying them ( again , the underlining is purely to indicate which P we are interested in , and is not part of our notational system ) : ( 47 ) That is , users of English interpret the relation between the property of the adjective and the word or phrase which instantiates the preceding entity in just the same way as they would interpret the relation between a predicative adjective and the subject in an explicit clause ; it therefore seems reasonable to call adjectives so used clausal adjectives .
18 ( b ) Construction The general rules for the construction of contracts apply to exclusion clauses in just the same way as to other clauses .
19 Armed with the appropriate value of the small-signal complex impedance , the signal response of a nonlinear network to any small input may be found in just the same way as the response of a linear network to an input of any magnitude .
20 Yet he would hold that there could not be another state of mind just like it , without this being bad in just the same way and degree .
21 If I am right about what the fluke genes are doing , it follows that we can legitimately speak of fluke genes as influencing snail bodies , in just the same sense as snail genes influence snail bodies .
22 It 's been so cold that the freeze-thaw needed for the Appendix to form fully has n't taken place and the ice is in just the same condition as the previous week .
23 In just the few seconds that it took Roebuck to de-rail Shelford , a whole new Marty Roebuck fan club was born .
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