Example sentences of "in her [noun] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She waited , holding her breath , wondering whether he would really answer all the questions that had been buzzing around in her head ever since she had first met him , or whether he would skirt around the subject and depend instead on the overwhelming attraction she felt for him to talk her back into bed .
2 The now familiar palpitating flutter in her heart made itself felt and the blood drummed unpleasantly in her head so that she feared she might lose her senses .
3 She felt she could partially excuse his megalomaniac meddlings in her genes now that she knew he was mentally unstable .
4 Oh he adores her , oh yes he wants her back , and I said , she said , I , you see , I know him , I said there 's a lot to be said for a chap that you know inside , know his ways and know how to cope with them , but I said never ever put yourself at his mercy , I 'm marrying him , and the house will be hers , you see , when there properly divorced it 'll be in her name so if he starts coming the old soldier , she can bung him out .
5 There seemed to be a block in her chest so that she could not breathe properly .
6 ACTRESS Mia Farrow does not have a new man in her life now that she has split up with film director Woody Allen .
7 And the beauty of it is that she embodies this core value of intimacy in her music better than anyone else who 's arrived on the scene in years .
8 She said : ‘ I hope that woman next door sleeps soundly in her bed tonight because my daughter wo n't . ’
9 The sound of wheels turned in her ears again as she thought of Maman driving off to the railway station as if on some brisk pursuit .
10 The thoughtful echo rang in her ears long after she 'd buried herself beneath the bed cover in the privacy of her room , and yearned for the oblivion of sleep .
11 His words were ringing in her ears now although they had had little impact before .
12 And he had put the post in her hand personally as he always did .
13 It made her head ache and there had been a kind of knot in her stomach ever since her nephew had made his absurd announcement .
14 Brave words , but she had the genes of the unknown Richard Redford in her veins even if he did n't show on her birth certificate .
15 ‘ I think I 've loved you from the first moment I saw you , ’ she said , and drew in her breath sharply as he crushed her against him .
16 Carrie was very pleased to see the change in her father now that he had settled into his new job , but she still fretted over her parents , and she had not forgotten her vow that one day she would have enough money to buy them a decent house to live in .
17 Several paces from her flat she took her keys from her jacket pocket ; she kept her keys in her pocket rather than her bag in case of mugging .
18 He saw knowledge and pain in her eyes long before he 'd finished , but he to ! d her the rest anyway .
19 There was a certain speculation in her glance now when she looked at him ; she listened when he advised her on her investment portfolio , and — increasingly — she took his advice .
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