Example sentences of "in his [noun sg] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He wore a pistol stuck in his belt and held his knife in his right hand .
2 The bed was too narrow and Oliver muttered in his sleep and ground his teeth and thrashed about with his fists .
3 The following year he turned over in his sleep and crashed his leg onto my hipbone .
4 He settled back in his armchair and put his feet on the coffee-table .
5 He leaned back in his armchair and regarded her harshly .
6 Amiss arranged himself more comfortably in his armchair and dangled his leg over the arm .
7 At 8.30am on his first day on the job , Mr Lobov summoned senior officials in his ministry and told them to draw up a plan for re-establishing state control over the economy .
8 Bernard rifled through the change pouch in his wallet and handed her three quarters .
9 Despite the happy family photos that appeared in the fan magazines , childhood days were miserable days for Joe who said that his dad never held him in his lap and read him stories or took him to ball games .
10 So he caught them up in his cloak and carried them to the top of the mountain , and there he showed them all the treasures and towns and palaces that were in the world .
11 While he waited for the bath to fill he went through the whole scene again in his head and congratulated himself for staying so calm .
12 He hauled her bodily from the van in his rage and hurled her in front of him , through the kitchen to the hall , and down the steps that fell away sharply to the brick-built cellar .
13 Nicky too must have recognised the uncharacteristic gap in his self-absorption and wondered what was coming , because she rushed into speech .
14 The orchestra played louder — the young man sniffed at the white carnation in his buttonhole and wrinkled his nose in an upper-class fashion .
15 Maggie put Patrick in his cradle and took her in her arms with motherly concern .
16 His arms went round her and his lips found hers , and this time when the world fell apart and the sky came crashing down , she clamped her lips together and buried her face in his shoulder and said nothing .
17 She could smell it on his breath when she kissed him , so she buried her face in his chest and stroked his shoulders .
18 After a little , she went to Oliver 's room and found a Nux Bar in his satchel and ate it .
19 Mr Harty said Benson had a substantial sum of money in his possession and sentenced him to six months imprisonment on each of two charges to run consecutively and consecutive to a sentence he was presently serving .
20 Tom put the bone in his shirt and carried it back to camp ’ .
21 She looked for sarcasm in his expression and spotted it , just for an instant , hidden in the slight curve at the corner of his mouth .
22 He felt one in his hair and removed it .
23 And as he struggled to swim , the woman 's little bone hook caught in his hair and pulled him up .
24 Masklin stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it around .
25 Hillary whispered in his ear and took his speech out of her pocket .
26 Hrun screwed a finger in his ear and inspected it absently .
27 Distress smote Theda as she took in his condition and knew herself to be the cause of it .
28 He left home as early as possible , did well in his career and visited his parents as seldom as possible .
29 Christopher says he surprised intruders in his flat and fought them off .
30 At 7.00 next morning he placed the basin in his tin and handed it to the attendant , who put it in the hot cupboard .
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