Example sentences of "in a way [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 When you see her being bossy , you can intervene in a way that lets her see that the other children need a chance to say what they want to do .
2 ‘ You 're a terrible man — ’ she managed to croak as he touched her in a way that transported her back at once to the heaven of the previous night .
3 There are people in the Civil Service who can talk in a way that fascinates her . ’
4 He curled his arm round Claudia 's waist , smiling at the receptionist in a way that made her assure him she would keep his secret .
5 Marc was still gripping her wrist in a way that made her feel like melting against him .
6 She could feel the hard muscles of his body pressing against her side , his arm sheltering her in a way that made her trust him .
7 Fran tried to step past him , but he just stood where he was , making no attempt to get out of her way while he continued to study her in a way that made her suddenly self-conscious .
8 Just for a second she met his curious gaze then looked away , feeling her heart pounding in a way that made her feel sick .
9 Sometimes she sat on the end of his divan if she could n't sleep and tried to wake him up to talk , but he slept with the heaviness of the very thin , and her weight on the divan made it sag and creak in a way that embarrassed her .
10 How could she get through an evening in his company when everything that was female in her responded to him in a way that knocked her totally off balance ?
11 He was in the courtyard , unfastening a pair of skis , his jet-black ski-suit moulding itself to his body in a way that drew her glance whether she liked it or not .
12 She tried to break from his grasp , but as she spoke he released the arm still pinned at her side and placed his hand on the curve of her neck , fondling it in a way that reminded her of an actor she 'd once seen playing Henry VIII just before a beheading scene .
13 But he drew back , and taking her hand , forced her to caress him in a way that revolted her .
14 Now that she saw Rupert again he was rather less interesting than she had remembered — a little older , slightly inhibited in his conversation , and unresponsive to her semi-flirtatious looks and remarks in a way that puzzled her .
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