Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] [pron] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are extraordinary cases , however , and in a story anything can happen , even the digestion of tables .
2 In a conversation we can explore meanings , often changing tense as our thought jumps from idea to idea , and we can enforce our reasoning with gesture and facial expression .
3 Preferably swathed in a scarf which can double as a belt , a bikini top — or even as a scarf .
4 If you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it or you can retrace your journey to the nearest fork and avoid that road altogether .
5 On the one hand variceal haemorrhage may be the final episode in a progressively deteriorating clinical disease state ; alternatively , it may be a single potentially life threatening episode in a patient who can otherise expect several further years of good quality life .
6 In a sense you can do the same thing , of course , with erm elementary particles like neutrons and protons , but the process of interpretation is much more complicated .
7 In a sense you can see they have tried to introduce stories which would normally be ‘ boy 's ’ stories , and have adapted them to appeal to girls .
8 But , having said that , it is not or was not an issue at the forefront of British politics and in a sense you can say the whole nation was guilty in that way .
9 Well in a sense I can understand it , probably it was you know , the big , the big re-election thing , and many other bands , they , they , could n't have really get yeah , .
10 In a text we can study style in more detail , and with more systematic attention to what words or structures are chosen in preference to others .
11 In a parade she can do little things like look into her Daily Mirror .
12 With human-like mouth and hands , and enormous eyes in a head which can swivel 180 degrees , the Dyaks of Borneo refer to him as hantu — meaning " ancestral spirit " .
13 Perhaps no one acted in a way we can judge wrong by personal standards of conduct .
14 In the unhappy event of litigation , a signed consent form may be disregarded by the courts unless it can be shown that the patient was ‘ given sufficient information , in a way they can understand , about the proposed treatment . ’
15 Hospital staff rush here and there , tell them to wait , to walk down long forbidding corridors to see a doctor — whose name they have n't even been told — who may not even speak to them by name in a way they can understand .
16 She seems to me terribly unhappy in a way which can make people desperate , spiteful , even wicked . ’
17 As practitioners progress in their careers it becomes increasingly difficult and onerous to remember and record prior experience and achievement in a way which can achieve the type of credit which is often needed ( and is becoming more important in the present climate of belief that individuals should not be required to repeat learning which has already taken place ) .
18 Very old people are often calm and commonsensical about their impending death in a way which can surprise and embarrass their younger visitors .
19 The reason for this , according to the attitudinist , is the distinction between belief , which sets out to represent how things are , and attitude , which is rather a matter of how one wishes ( not merely idly , but in a way which can produce appropriate action ) them to be .
20 Techniques such as guided fantasy reveal the teacher 's presuppositions which are not discussed , and these are put across in a way which can have a particularly binding effect upon the recipients .
21 I 've tried it sometimes , never long enough to know whether I did it successfully or not , but I found there is absolutely no way of telling because even if it changes in a way one can predict , what one can predict is the way oneself changes or the world changes at the same time .
22 As for Aunt Pamela , she never liked me and in a way I can understand why she resented my existence .
23 It does sound a touch obtuse , but in a way you can understand how the mistake might be made .
24 Yeah but I mean in a way you can understand
25 If you can trust yourself to me in a cab we can travel back to Vetch Street in style , and if Matey is up try to think of an explanation that will not involve Rose , or men who trap young girls in alleys , or how I , fortunately for you , became separated from Stair and rescued you .
26 The banshee 's lamentations are in a language no-one can understand , and her cry is an appalling blend of a wild goose 's screech , the screams of an abandoned child and the howl of a wolf .
27 ‘ Once we get people in a bookshop we can sell books to them , and most of them will buy more than one . ’
28 As as students in a lecture you can tell when a lecturer is nervous .
29 In particular , if an assessor is not accepted as a peer by those assessed , then the information needed for objective evaluation may be withheld , distorted , or presented in a manner which can lead to unbalanced views and impaired judgements .
30 Strange said : " Athletes who are in the public eye have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner which can set a positive example .
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