Example sentences of "in the [noun] [conj] that he " in BNC.

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1 He realized that we felt disgusted at what had been achieved in the commandos and that he had had this brainwave of small parties behind the lines . ’
2 Contemporary reaction to this magnificent poem is typified by a critic in The Monthly Review in 1763 who thought he knew that Smart was forbidden the use of writing materials in the asylum and that he had written it ‘ with the end of a key , upon the wainscot ’ .
3 Of this person she could form no idea other than that Hugh believed him to be the owner of whatever was in the sack and that he was in some way connected with the outlaws ' Camp .
4 ‘ In reaching its verdict , the commission accepted Mr Jones has issued a press statement apologising for his participation in the video and that he had been misled and badly advised , but that his actions were irresponsible .
5 The prosecution accepted that the notebook proved Mr Thompson had been involved in the distribution of obscene material , a charge the countess had levelled at him earlier in the trial but that he had denied .
6 This recommendation was in apparent contradiction to an interview given by Saddam Hussein broadcast on French television on July 9 , in which he stated that he hoped that the first free and democratic presidential elections in the country 's history would take place later in the year and that he would stand for re-election alongside other candidates .
7 By right and custom , he himself and James here should be going back to the house for the reading of the will , but this very new Sir Joseph had made it evident yesterday that he wanted no reading done in the house and that he would let them know when he wanted the matter dealt with .
8 One of them — the owner of a mobile whelk stall in South Wimbledon — had told the doctor that he could sentence her to death until he was blue in the face and that he , personally , could not give a flying fuck .
9 Player told the crowd that Olazabal was the best young player in the world and that he was quite impressed with the way he had scored so well while playing so poorly .
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