Example sentences of "in his [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At Waddington , Tim Taylor has organised an exhibition of maquettes and drawings by Henry Moore ( 3 June-4 July ) at a time when international interest in his work appears to be reviving , with current exhibitions taking place in Sydney and in the Garden of the Bagatelles in Paris .
2 When a figure such as Duck , amenable , respectful and flattering in his gratitude came to be transplanted from his native Wiltshire to mingle with the best society of the land , his mentors no longer questioned his right to such an elevation , but were immediately at pains to educate him to become an inconspicuous unit in his new social caste .
3 The three principal figures in his demonology proved to be the Shah , Israel and the United States , and in a sermon against this trio in March 1963 he had done much to trigger the disturbances of that summer and the process that led to his banishment to Najaf in Iraq .
4 The tension of being in his company had to be getting to her .
5 Then the rider relaxed his legs , the horse moved off into a working trot , the rider rising so much at one with the animal that he in his turn appeared to be performing a piaffe .
6 But Columbus in his dream refuses to be found .
7 The atmosphere in his office seemed to be closing in on her in an intimacy which she must avoid at all costs .
8 The fingers of one hand were tapping frenziedly against the palm of the other , as if all the excitement in his body had to be expressed through the movements of one set of digits .
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