Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The new release enables System 3000 users to connect to multiple servers in a multi-windowed format on their screen , accessing multiple databases and applications from different sources simultaneously .
2 ‘ On the pendulum of self-exposure that oscillates between aggressively exhibitionistic Mailerism and sequestered Salingerism , I 'd say that I occupy a midway position ’ , explains Roth in The Facts — in a prefatory letter to his alter ego of earlier books , the novelist Nathan Zuckerman , who is granted a letter of reply at the end of this one and a perusal of the intervening narrative .
3 In a prefatory note to his first novel he told his readers , ‘ Except the hero and heroine , and those points of the work which supply the slight plot of it , as a novel the work itself is materially true , especially in the narrative of sea-adventure , most of which did ( to the best of our recollection ) occur to the author . ’
4 ( In the pursuit of performance-indicators , publication in ‘ refereed journals ’ counts for much , though I am not sure if I have ever appeared in a refereed journal in my life . )
5 BELINDA CARLISLE is locked in a legal battle over her husband 's family fortune .
6 They explain that the patient is engaged in a legal battle with his brother over some land .
7 Once upon a time another German government let Lenin cross another Germany in a sealed train on his way to Russia .
8 The engineering union IG Metall on May 4 reached agreement with the employers ' organization Gesamtmetall on phasing in a 35-hour week for its 700,000 workers in the North Württemberg area .
9 Neither shows the plants in a close simulation of their natural habitat , but both impose an idea of how the gardener would like that habitat to be .
10 When the four larger Lancaster cars were bought in 1894/6 , they had to be housed in a lean-to shed at its side .
11 In Annamese families of their rank supervision of the home and the children was left largely to the mother ; like most Annamese fathers , however , Tran Van Hieu kept a sturdy bamboo cane locked in a lacquered cabinet in his study to reinforce where necessary the Confucian notion of filial piety .
12 He was in the restaurant kitchen late one night before closing up , knocking back the remains of four glasses of liqueur from a dirty table , when his head suddenly cleared and he heard some lines from the past in a devastating playback in his head : ‘ You 're better off without me ’ — Bella 's voice , coolly justifying herself to him on the telephone .
13 Cameron was educated at home in a remote farmhouse with his younger brother and sister by parents Val and Phil .
14 Far right : in a time-piece frock with her pet poodle and mastiff
15 Her mother was William Godwin 's second wife , and Clairmont grew up in a free-thinking household with her brother , illegitimate like herself , with Mary Wollstonecraft 's daughter by Godwin — another Mary of Clairmont 's age — and with Fanny , Wollstonecraft 's older illegitimate daughter .
16 These are all stamped out with a huge press and dies like pastry cutters , in a dark vault in our street , by an old man who cuts from one skin first the back of a large rucksack , then a couple of handbag sides , and eventually bits of miniature hanging purses , like a thrifty housewife making tarts .
17 I cried on reading that , quietly , in a dark corner of our hall .
18 Museum archaeologists and field archaeologists are usually employed to undertake work in a specific locality within their own country , whereas university archaeologists are often able to undertake fieldwork and excavations in other countries , which is particularly useful for countries which have very few archaeologists of their own .
19 Then in June , Ivan died in a freak fire at his seafront nursing home .
20 David had this little compartment and used to spend his whole time in a Japanese kimono with his guitar and a bottle of this horrible Reisling wine that was full of alkaline and gave you splitting headaches , but it was all there was .
21 Unfortunately we had a major breakdown with the car , and were stuck in a tiny village with our tent and no transport .
22 Mina and Alexis had a guest in a tiny cottage behind their house , a rather cantankerous English poet .
23 Back in her cabin , the dress on a hanger , she indulged in a leisurely soak in her favourite perfumed bath oil in an effort to make herself relax .
24 Underneath , in a chilling insight into his twisted mind , he scrawled : ‘ Red blood , red rum when you run . ’
25 In a systematic study of his own dream life Freud tried to relate all his dreams to feelings and thoughts experienced the previous day .
26 Aside from that , this is the Mega City Four , dreads'n'all , in a fleshed-out show of their still-maturing guitar pop .
27 In addition , even medium-sized plants can dominate the labour markets of small towns ( for example , in the cases of Westland at Yeovil and Clarks at Street ) , and this places them in a strong position in their dealings with the labour force ( Lever 1978 ) .
28 Their voices were rising in a strong chorus in his ears .
29 Most of them are in a ruinous state with their upper storeys missing shattered by earthquake , war , neglect .
30 Surgeons had to put three stitches in a deep wound in his shoulder .
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