Example sentences of "in the fact [that] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Its chief importance to architectural history lies in the fact that it is a very early example of the work of J. Ninian ( later Sir Ninian ) Comper ( 1864–1960 ) , a notable church architect of the early twentieth century .
2 Descartes says that ‘ the nature of matter or of body … does not consist in its being hard , or heavy , or coloured … but solely in the fact that it is a substance extended in length , breadth , and depth . ’
3 The undesirable aspect of duress is not in the absence of choice but in the fact that it is engineered in order to extract the consent .
4 The Bure Valley Railway is extraordinary in the fact that it is a brand new railway with especially designed buildings , stations and facilities at each end .
5 The value of Hayek 's work as a representative theory of liberalism lies for us in its rigour and its comprehensiveness and in the fact that it is acutely aware of the importance of law .
6 The Aldrovandi Palace is a distinctive hotel of style , a characteristic reflected in the fact that it is a member of prestigious Leading Hotels of the World group .
7 Its popularity probably lies in the fact that it is a game which is cheap and easy to play and understand .
8 The scheme 's novelty lies in the fact that it is the first instance of an officially sponsored immigration programme .
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