Example sentences of "in the [noun pl] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This type of suicide believes that he will survive his own death , witness the discovery of his own body , and participate in the reactions of others towards his death .
2 Some of these issues surfaced in the responses of academics to the question : Would you favour an increase or decrease in the proportion of students taking combined/joint degrees ?
3 You will be treading in the footsteps of soldiers from all the centuries of Pevensey 's past .
4 How much this matters in practice depends on the significance that levels of attainment come to acquire in the grouping of children within and between schools , and in the perceptions of pupils by their teachers .
5 There were , however , some immediate gains ; one of these was the decline of belief in hell , which gradually ceased to resound in the sermons of Ministers of God other than Calvinists .
6 The temperatures in the holds of ships in the tropics can be very high and goods standing at the dockside in tropical ports may be subjected to very high temperatures .
7 Similar sediments with evaporites are seen in the cores of salt-domes below the Cupido Limestone mentioned above in north-east Mexico .
8 There are references to galleries in the deeds of houses in some cases , and date stones and the carved fitted cupboards in the houses provide date references for this period .
9 Perhaps nothing better illustrates the difficulties of trying to establish the truth of such a tradition and of achieving accuracy in the dating of events in the lives of scholars of the early Ottoman period than the problem presented by the death date of Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
10 " Young as I was " , he wrote later , " I had a feeling that I was destined to work for big changes and improvements in the lives of men of the sea " .
11 The expression of wrong expectations is the cause of an immense amount of anger and frustration in the lives of children of whatever age .
12 As was so often the case , he sucked up nourishment from books he happened to be reading , finding parallels in the lives of characters to his own dilemmas and solutions .
13 They may be justifications such as " stress " or " depression " and indeed these factors do feature very significantly in the lives of sufferers from addictive disease but they are consequences and not causes .
14 There was ‘ Pooper Scooper ’ Watkins , a young woman who insisted not only on picking up her dog 's faeces with a see-through plastic glove , but also on waving it in the faces of passers-by in order to emphasize her ecological soundness .
15 The real power struggle is behind the scenes , in the informal advisory bodies with access to Secretaries of State , in the Cabinet committees , in the meetings of Ministers with their powerful back-benchers , and in the informal cabals that focus energies on future policy .
16 Both Leapor and ‘ Sophia ’ find something contemptible in the claims of men to automatic mastery over their wives .
17 The Moslem Brotherhood , which held five seats in the previous Cabinet and had declined to join the present one , was concerned that the Prime Minister was preparing to change the policies of the previous administration , particularly in the areas of relations with Israel and of agriculture and water policy .
18 During the mid 1970s , it was suggested that the increased use of nitrogen-based agricultural fertilizers and/or nitrogen-fixing vegetation might affect the nitrogen cycle and result in an increase in the amounts of oxides of nitrogen released from the surface into the atmosphere .
19 Our findings demonstrate for the first time increased expression of ET-1 in the lungs of patients with CFA compared with the lungs of subjects without CFA .
20 Prominent staining was seen in the lungs of patients with CFA , which was localised predominantly to the airway epithelium and type II pneumocytes .
21 Marked hyperplasia of fundic argyrophil cells by reference to values found in healthy controls ( mean density/unit area : 9.8 ( 0.9 ) cells , range 6–15 ) was noted in the groups of patients with either sporadic type Zollinger-Ellison sydrome or MEN 1 associated Zollinger-Ellison sydrome ( 33.5 ( 3.5 ) cells and 49.8 ( 8.8 ) cells , respectively , p<0.0001 ) .
22 Many flowers are under threat of extinction because their bulbs are being uprooted from the wild to be replanted in the gardens of countries like ours .
23 The purported association of aluminium with Alzheimer 's disease is based on : ( 1 ) the experimental induction of fibrillary changes in the neurons of animals by the injection of aluminium salts into brain tissue ; ( 2 ) reported detection of aluminium in neuritic plaques and tangle-bearing neurons ; ( 3 ) epidemiological studies linking aluminium levels in the environment , notably water supplies , with an increased prevalence of dementia ; and ( 4 ) a reported decrease in the rate of disease progression following the administration of desferroxamine , an aluminium chelator , to clinically diagnosed sufferers of Alzheimer 's disease .
24 Britons tend to retain trust in the inhabitants of countries in which Britain has had or retains colonial interests ; countries that share a common language , values , and ( in some cases ) ancestry ; and countries that have stood together in times of crisis .
25 In conclusion we have shown a significantly increased faecal bile acid concentration in patients with adenomatous polyps and an increased proportion of secondary bile acids in the faeces of patients with established colorectal cancer .
26 This refers to an increase in the numbers of nematode eggs in the faeces of animals around parturition .
27 These larvae are derived mainly from eggs passed in the faeces of ewes during the periparturient period , from about two weeks prior to lambing until six weeks post-lambing ( Fig. 13 ) .
28 I think of him sometimes , as the birds are singing in the hedges and the rising sun glints in the windows of houses across the bay .
29 Scientists have recently found fat deposits in the arteries of children aged eight .
30 ( d ) changes in the attitudes of teachers towards the function and utilisation of the library in response to the Project , and especially in respect of curriculum development ;
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