Example sentences of "in the [noun] that be be " in BNC.

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1 Katie Jane absolved herself of all responsibility for this when she recently claimed in the NME that is was all the onlooker 's problem .
2 " A point has now been reached , " it declared , " where the continued dynamic development of the Community has become an imperative not only because it corresponds to the direct interests of the 12 member states but also because it has become a crucial element in the progress that is being made in establishing a reliable framework for peace and security in Europe . "
3 In the finances that are being made available , is there anything to continue the concessionary fuel arrangements ?
4 A particular case of course is in relation to Bosnia Hercegovina , erm Russia has traditionally been close to the Serbs erm and therefore is worried , not only about the situation within erm the old Yugoslavia itself , Bosnia Hercegovina , but also about the reaction erm within Russia if it is seen to take too anti a Serb line erm in the , in the crisis that 's being faced there .
5 In my mind , the object of doing an evaluation is to create some kind of improvement in the situation that is being evaluated .
6 I think this absolutely vital because in my mind the object of doing an evaluation is to create some kind of improvement in the situation that is being evaluated .
7 ‘ There are no secrets except the secrets that keep themselves ’ was George Bernard Shaw 's picturesque way of stating the obvious , but in a messy company liquidation the police may be very interested in the information that is being extracted by the liquidators from sometimes unwilling directors and others .
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