Example sentences of "in which it [is] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They can dispense with the claim that science must start with unbiased and unprejudiced observation by making a distinction between the way a theory is first thought of or discovered on the one hand , and the way in which it is justified or its merits assessed on the other .
2 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
3 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
4 Knowledge is not adequately described by epistemology because all knowledge is relational to the social and historical context in which it is generated and used .
5 The fact that the power of was not confined to the Mufti alone is of some importance in assessing the nature of the Muftilik in general and will therefore be dealt with in greater detail further on ; suffice it to say for the moment that Mustakimzade 's argument is disappointing in its lack of development and of positive evidence in support of it and that , in the terms in which it is stated and in view of the material he seems to have used in compiling his book , his argument might equally well apply to Molla Fenari .
6 It is in fact no more ‘ theoreticist ’ than the basic liberal idea of culture , in which It is presumed that the universal source of cultural production is ‘ individual expression ’ , so that to study the social relations of cultural activity is to describe the conditions which bear on this norm , permitting or preventing its ‘ free exercise ’ .
7 By embracing the evidence from the ‘ effectiveness of schools ’ research and adopting a whole-school approach to special educational needs , we can create a truly comprehensive service of education in which it is accepted that ALL teachers have responsibility to meet the needs of ALL children .
8 This pivotal role is much more obvious in matriarchical societies in which it is accepted that the mother or grandmother must make the final decision about such expenditures .
9 We need to build an atmosphere which reverses the dominant value systems of those staffrooms in which it is seen as silly to be open , to want to have real conversations about education , and mature to be flip and dismissive .
10 For it is that history , and that revelation , in which it is believed that God has made Himself known .
11 This highlights the third qualification : the liberal-democratic type of government is one in which it is denied that there is any objective science of sociely or of morals .
12 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who erects or installs any article for use at work in any premises where that article is to be used by persons at work to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that nothing about the way in which it is erected or installed makes it unsafe or a risk to health when properly used . ’
13 An extremely useful model of the meaning of a word , which can be extracted from the contextual relations , is one in which it is viewed as being made up , at least in part , of the meanings of other words .
14 One way of putting the record straight about school meals is to invite parents of new children for a free meal with their child so that they can not only taste the food but see the way in which it is presented and the way in which the children are supervised .
15 This criticism of the model is thus more a criticism of the form in which it is put than of its substance ; the form can be changed to take account of the criticism without changing any matter of substance .
16 Suppose we have a linear substitution Ax = y in which it is required that y be a scalar multiple of x , say x .
17 Speech is constrained by the situation in which it is produced and needs only to be appropriate to it .
18 Because of this , a poetic utterance has no functional ties with the real context in which it is produced and can not be assumed to refer to any aspect of its producer 's existence .
19 For example there has been a recent change in the proposals of British Coal in the manner of transportation of this material onto the tip and the manner in which it is tipped and handled .
20 said : ‘ This court has on numerous occasions held that the effect of Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 is that the contemnor must be personally served with a properly drafted notice which recites in clear and unambiguous detail the following : ( 1 ) the order of the court or undertaking given to the court in respect of which he has been found in breach ; ( 2 ) the respects in which it is alleged that he has been in breach ; ( 3 ) the findings of the judge as to the alleged breaches ; ( 4 ) the period of committal to which he has been sentenced and ( 5 ) that he may apply to the court to purge his contempt and seek his release .
21 The particulars of claim must contain information as to the circumstances in which it is alleged that the liability of the Crown has arisen and as to the government departments and officers of the Crown concerned ( Ord 42 , r 4 ) .
22 the effect of growing social expenditure depends on its type ( whether transfers , purchases or state produced services ) , its nature ( the department or production or , in the case of transfers , the class to which it is directed ) , the manner in which it is financed and the final incidence of taxes .
23 C , in which it is shown that the introduction of continuous compounding leads to more complicated no-arbitrage conditions than otherwise .
24 First , the aim in which it is designed and manufactured ; second , the retail chain that distributes it ; and third , the households in which it is finally used .
25 If possible , bonus should be paid in the week in which it is earned and certainly not later than the following week .
26 In other words , revenue should be shown for the period in which it is earned and not when it is paid .
27 This is not the only case in which it is known that the egg contains a special localized material which causes cells containing it to follow a particular path of differentiation .
28 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
29 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
30 Although ED 65 does not give detailed guidance on the circumstances in which it is considered that the measure of comprehensive income is incomplete , the discussion paper on ED 65 acknowledges that , under the modified historical cost system , the proposed SCFW may not give a complete reflection of the real change in financial wealth .
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