Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For Schein , it is ‘ the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented , discovered , or developed , in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration , and that have worked well enough to be considered valid and , therefore , to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive , think and feel in relation to these problems . ’
2 He said that from 1991–1992 there were only five times when intensive care patients had to be transferred to other hospitals in the region , but in April and May this year alone there had been five cases .
3 Procedurally , the machinery could no longer be operated since no provision had been made , in 1922 , for functions relating to the organising of elections and previously discharged by the Lord Chancellor and Clerk of the Crown in Ireland , to be transferred to new officials , and those offices had been abolished .
4 CASE 1 : the whole table is to be transferred to magnetic tape .
5 CASE 2 : a range of entries from a table is to be transferred to magnetic tape .
6 CASE 3 : selected entries are required to be transferred to magnetic tape .
7 The next day I received a telegram informing me that my request to be transferred to clerical duties at the Ministry of the Interior had been granted .
8 Mambo Leo was to be transferred to commercial ownership and to disappear shortly after independence , but other papers sponsored or produced by the Government took its place .
9 Enter window to be transferred to Main database :
10 Enter window to be transferred to Main database : … >
11 { Window to be transferred to Main database }
12 Continuous running is only of benefit where a large number of modules are to be transferred to offline storage or where much hard copy has already been done , and many module versions can be nominated or deleted .
13 If successful , the policy is likely to be extended to other branches around the country .
14 Access is also to be extended to Eastern Europe , using funds from the Community 's PHARE programme under a separate contract between the EC and PTT Telecom : Poland , Hungary , Czech and Slovak Republics , Bulgaria and Romania are to be connected into the system .
15 It could be argued that since these are indefensible when applied , as they are currently , to conventional criminals , they ought not to be extended to corporate criminals .
16 The same arrangement was to be extended to nuclear artillery shells when these too became available .
17 A counselling service set up in Gloucestershire to help victims of the Gulf War is to be extended to Bosnian refugees .
18 A farewell party was held last night at Hustledown House in Stanley , where three residents have already left and a further 13 are due to be relocated to other Durham County Council homes before the weekend .
19 A third objection which could be raised is that it would be undesirable if the suggested approach were to be applied to certain types of jurisdictional error .
20 Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) is becoming an increasingly useful tool for furthering archaeological knowledge , and it is beginning to be applied to various aspects of archaeological work .
21 However , the solution to be applied to overhead power lines , short of conversion to underground cable or high voltage DC transmission , is not so easy considering the very substantial voltages and currents involved and the heavy capital investment in existing structures .
22 It soon lost its exclusively maritime connotation and , from denoting simply work as a galley slave , came to be applied to other forms of penal servitude with hard labour .
23 Taylor begged leave to deny that analogies drawn from lead mines in stratified rocks are to be applied to deep copper mines and he considered it rather hard to have " crude suggestions of this sort pressed upon us " .
24 In France Gian Piero Zarri has developed a system known as RESEDA to allow Artificial Intelligence techniques to be applied to historical source material ( concerning the Hundred Years War ) .
25 In her book on the local state Cynthia Cockburn develops this idea by suggesting that the main criticism to be applied to corporate planning in local government was that it was a method borrowed from the private sector and was thus inherently anti-democratic , implying control from the top and attempts to manage the community ( the reproduction of labour power ) , as well as the workforce ( in the process of production ) ( Cockburn , 1977 , pp. 6–18 ) .
26 The costs are low enough for the schemes to be applied to whole towns … it is estimated that the measures will be amortized within three to six years on account of saved accident costs . ’
27 They were often in danger of forgetting that the good news they heard each Sunday had to be applied to everyday life if it was to have any validity .
28 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
29 Subsequent cases have demonstrated that the distinction is equally to be applied to commercial situations , for example Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold [ 1988 ] 2 WLR 706 ( see Chapter 11 ) and Colchester Borough Council v Smith ( above ) .
30 ( ii ) In the context of their own writing and that of a range of published writers , pupils should learn that , in evaluating the success of a piece of writing , different criteria need to be applied to different types ; for example , a personal letter may be valued for its warmth and humour , a report for the clarity of its organisation , and so on .
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