Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [adv] so that " in BNC.

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1 It also tends to be grown locally so that less fuel is wasted on transporting it .
2 She needs to be strapped in so that dad can keep control of her , so what we have found out is a bike made in Germany which is a wheelchair with the bicycle part of it clipped on the back , and once you get where you 're going , it dismantles and you 've got a wheelchair , you can go where you want , but it 's very expensive .
3 Two er requirements for the future that er seem to be er er desirable are stealth and what could be stealthier than the present generation of aircraft and secondly to prevent you having to go over your target you 're likely to be shot down so that you need a stand up weapon capability , er if the payload is somewhat limited can it still carry stand off weapons that are effective ?
4 Where floor joists are built into the part wall , they would have to be cut off so that they would be supported by the new well , completely free from the party wall .
5 Each level has to be constructed interpretively so that the distinctions between levels can not be systematically articulated .
6 Noises need to be made NOW so that when the political situation improves we shall be able to negotiate classes on good terms .
7 Age Concern has written to Tony Newton , Secretary of State for Social Security , calling for state retirement pensions to be increased substantially so that the real value is maintained .
8 Activists quickly arranged for publicity material to be sent out so that news of the Changsha situation reached other major cities as well as the outside world .
9 This will have to be calculated carefully so that you know how many stitches to cast on .
10 5 Make a complete check of the proposed programme and how it is to be put together so that you can thoroughly brief your spokesman or interviewee .
11 It tried to jump off the table and had to be held firmly so that Sophie could freeze the surrounding area before lancing it .
12 The Practical Curriculum , for example , a useful , practical discussion document for schools from the Schools Council , had to be held up so that it should not upstage an HMI view of the curriculum .
13 Decisions are due to be taken soon so that a white paper can be published at the beginning of June .
14 That requires the Bill to be revived tonight so that it can continue its progress .
15 The county 's family health services authority is asking for unwanted items to be handed in so that they can be disposed of safely .
16 Without this the same ones tend to be used repeatedly so that visual clues falling beyond their scope are either missed or ignored ;
17 They were to be used responsibly so that others might share in the benefits .
18 The Labour party wants application procedures to be speeded up so that we have a proper , fair and effective system that ensures that this country continues its long honourable tradition of providing asylum for refugees .
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