Example sentences of "to a [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This adds up to a threat to the source of Japan 's post-war strength .
2 At common law it may be unlawful as amounting to a trespass to the highway , or a public or private nuisance , or as involving the inducement or procuring of a breach of contract .
3 For example , a search for " women and their fight in society " would lead to a message to the effect that there is no book described by all the words of the search , but the system would nevertheless retrieve four items ( in the PCL catalogue ) , the first of which is titled Hidden from history : 300 years of women 's oppression and the fight against it .
4 Just to be dubbed a ‘ best buy ’ in a range of rival tumble driers , answering machines or camcorders can lead to a rush to the store by discerning customers .
5 If the government were to raise the tax threshold , by say £100 ( a common policy to try and help the ‘ low-paid ’ ) , this would be worth £30 to a person to the right of point facing the explicit tax rate above .
6 Assets are specific to a transaction to the extent to which their costs are sunk .
7 ( a ) The reliefs Section 83 of the Finance Act 1985 made very significant changes to the stamping of documents executed on or after 26 March 1985 where property is conveyed or transferred from one party to a marriage to the other .
8 However , the truncated conveyance would not then be " an instrument by which property is conveyed or transferred from one party to a marriage to the other " within the Finance Act 1985 , s83 and therefore could not be certified by the husband as being within category " H " of the Regulations .
9 ( vii ) Conveyance or transfer to trustees ( by Court order or by agreement ) with no consideration ( Eg Precedents 46 to 49 ) Such a conveyance or transfer falls outside the provisions of s83 ( above ) as it is not a conveyance or transfer from one party to a marriage to the other .
10 They contain much expansion , however , of the ideas found in the more finished work of that period : the three volumes of Capital and the short Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy .
11 The second is the statement of a clear evolutionary sequence in the Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy , the work where Marx expresses [ p. 83 ] most coherently his theory of history : ‘ In broad outlines Asiatic , ancient , feudal and modern bourgeois modes of production can be designated as progressive epochs in the economic formation of society ’ .
12 Roger Jones of Ex Libris , publisher and bookseller in Bradford on Avon , draws my attention to a reference to the bookshop in Miles Kington 's newly published The Jazz Anthology ( HarperCollins , £17.50 ) .
13 As Tour Commissionaer Deane Beman said last night : ‘ We all wish John the best in solving what is clearly a difficult situation for him and his family and we hope that a successful rehabilitation will lead to a return to the tour . ’
14 Other centrally sponsored events , including a Film Premier and the Battle of Britain Ball , raised substantial sums for the Appeal and the Association 's links with the Rugby League led directly to a donation to the Appeal by the League of £10,000 at the Rugby League 1990 Challenge Cup Final at Wembley .
15 The reason the Parish Council objected to the structure plan was that they considered that the structure plan itself was beginning to represent a statutory commitment a statutory commitment to a road to the north of Knaresborough .
16 We 've , we 've got difficulty here because we 've now got letters saying that you know , it 's down to us , and that the er tree surgeons er from the County Council believe that they are a danger to a danger to the public .
17 I wan na put this er question of what this playhouse is about a back to a stage to the platform because I think that 's where it belongs er were here to criticize but not to initiate .
18 Insurance considerations will not be very relevant in deciding whether to exclude liability ( for loss or damage other than death or personal injury ) to a consumer to the extent that it is regarded as reasonable under s 4 and permitted under s 2(2) .
19 In an extensive reshuffle of the Supreme Military Council ( now composed principally of civilians ) on Oct. 14 , 1989 , President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo created three Ministries of State at the Presidency , one of which went to a newcomer to the Council , Alejandro Evuna Asangono .
20 Many children do n't look forward to a visit to the doctor 's — not surprising , as they may associate it with illness or injections .
21 Hans-Wilhelm Ebeling ( a co-founder and former chair of the DSU ) and three other prominent members of the party also resigned on July 2 , all attributing their resignations to a shift to the right by the DSU .
22 19 ( 1 ) In all leases whether made before or after the commencement of this Act containing a covenant condition or agreement against assigning , under- letting , charging or party with the possession of a demised premises or any part thereof without licence or consent , such covenant condition or agreement shall , notwithstanding any express provision to the contrary , be deemed to be subject — ( a ) to a proviso to the effect that such licence or consent is not to be unreasonably withheld , but this proviso does not preclude the right of the landlord to require payment of a reasonable sum in respect of any legal or other expenses incurred in connection with such licence or consent ; …
23 It should also be remembered that s 19(l) ( a ) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 provides that where there is a covenant , condition or agreement against assigning , underletting , charging or parting with possession of the premises or any part thereof without licence or consent , this is deemed to be subject to a proviso to the effect that such licence or consent is not to be unreasonably withheld .
24 An example of such a provision is common Article 2 of the Geneva Red Cross Conventions , which provides that the parties shall be bound by the Conventions in relation to a party to the conflict which is not a party to the Conventions ‘ if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof ’ .
25 you get to a training to the training school .
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