Example sentences of "to a [noun sg] of [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 The mobility anomaly is the largest for ×= 5 , corresponding to a separation of motifs by odd multiples of half a helical turn .
2 There could be 2x + y , where x is the number both of the members appointed to a board of directors by the owners of the company , and of the trade union members ; and y the number of directors to be co-opted .
3 But in the main I believe it is due to a change of attitude by props in particular .
4 A familiar landmark in Hartlepool has been reduced to a pile of rubble by bulldozers .
5 The flattened shape is transferred to a sheet of leather by mangling carbon paper between the two .
6 John Clinch ( 83 ) and Paul Harris ( 82 ) put on 170 for the first wicket against Stowmarket , who were skittled out for only 85 thanks to a burst of 4–1–7–5 by Richard Pybus .
7 He was much richer than Louis , able — as the French king was not — to hire large armies of mercenaries and to reduce his leading vassals , the Counts of Flanders , Boulogne and Blois for example , to a position of neutrality by paying them substantial pensions .
8 Moreover , between 793 and 796 Aethelheard but not Hygeberht subscribed to a grant of land by Offa to the church of Worcester within the archdiocese of Lichfield ( CS 272 , 273 : S 146 ) , and in 796 to a grant of land also in Hwiccian territory by Ecgfrith , king of the Mercians , Offa 's son and short-lived successor , again without Hygeberht ( CS 277 , 278 : S 148 ) .
9 Louis was to some degree right ; since 1202 no homage had been performed to a king of France by any plantagenet king for his residual continental possessions .
10 Nevertheless , s14(4) of SGA 1979 , which is replicated in other supply contracts ( s10(4) of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 and ss4(7) , 9(7) of SGSA 1982 ) , provides , " An implied condition or warranty as to quality or fitness for a particular purpose may be annexed to a contract of sale by usage " .
11 The two boys picked up their pints and moved over to a couple of chairs by the fire , just vacated by an elderly couple .
12 Last but by not means least , and we 've heard them mentioned a couple times already this week and it will be dealt with more extensively later in the week we have of course persuaded to enter into detailed discussions with us er , which would hopefully lead to a transfer of engagements by the end of this year .
13 The mistake of allied strategists was in imagining that such a regime could possibly be brought to a state of collapse by a decline in popular morale .
14 Consistent with this idea , introducing an additional Max plasmid into the cells leads to a reduction of transactivation by Myc+Max or Myc+Max85 ( Fig. 2 c ) .
15 Foxe 's Book of Martyrs was in the old library , a one-volume edition for nineteenth century children with coloured illustrations and the text pruned to a litany of death by flame .
16 What has never before been directly decided in England is whether the doctrine applies to a gift of land by delivery of the title deeds …
17 This is probably what will happen at a shareholders ' meeting on March 13th , thanks to a closing of ranks by Germany 's top industrialists .
18 Judges of the High Court and above , with the exception of the Lord Chancellor , hold office during good behaviour subject to a power of removal by Her Majesty on an address presented by both Houses of Parliament , but no English judge has been removed under this provision which derives from the Act of Settlement 1701 .
19 The sky becomes stained with clouds and I come to a stretch of land by the sea — I do n't know what else to call it .
20 By March 1992 the Treasury was projecting an increase in the budget deficit ( i.e. the PSBR ) from 14bn in 1991/2 to a high of 32bn by 1993/4 , as can be seen in Table 16.2 .
21 This does not amount to a breach of contract by the hotel unless the misrepresentation is incorporated into the contract and thus forms one of its terms .
22 When mealworms were given to a group of meerkats by means of a cleverly designed dispenser their activity increased enormously and the pattern was on a par with that of the wild populations ; without such a dispenser they showed more lethargic , passive and atypical behaviour patterns .
23 In the first place , in the ( rare ) cases where sentence-meaning exhausts utterance-meaning ( i.e. where the speaker meant exactly what he said , no more , no less ) , the same content would be assigned both to semantics and pragmatics In other words , we would need to restrict the notion of utterance-meaning in such a way that we subtract sentence-meaning , and in that case we are back to a definition of pragmatics by residue .
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