Example sentences of "to the [noun] [coord] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He climbed to the upper level , and from the top of the stairs he could see a wide slice of moonlight telling him that he 'd not only forgotten to lock the door behind them , in his haste he 'd neglected even to close it ; he crossed the decking and closed it now , switching the key from the outside to the inside and turning it in the lock .
2 The writer of the previous essay plan has demonstrated advanced skills by selecting the information or facts relevant to the question and presenting it in a logical argument .
3 Once again , we are making it clear to the Minister and putting it firmly on record that , in its present form , the Bill does nothing to make it likely that the Government 's words , which have been employed to make the Bill more politically acceptable in Scotland , will be translated into reality .
4 It is often seen only in the legal sense : severing birth parents ' responsibilities to the child and transferring them to adopters .
5 Paige asked , watching him jump to his feet , hurrying to the door and throwing it open .
6 She rose and hurried to the door and opening it saw not Craig but the small figure of Will Davies crouching in the street .
7 Instead of taking it out to the back and throwing it in the bin .
8 She breaks through it by using her head like a pneumatic drill , pressing her hard sharp jaws on to the soil and vibrating it by trembling her wing muscles .
9 The script conference ended with Lorne shrugging his robe to the floor and asking me , with tears in his eyes , " Is this the body of an old man ? "
10 Within a week Little Chef was running the yard , bringing in the ponies from the fields , doing tricks for pony nuts , retrieving lost balls from the undergrowth , then running on to the field and dropping them when there was a pause in play .
11 He accomplished the most difficult of all sporting tasks : not just taking his team to the top but keeping it there .
12 Make the mix fairly dry and press it well down into the joints , filling them right to the top and finishing them flush .
13 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
14 The picture does its job by ‘ introducing ’ us to the person and helping us relate to him .
15 The therapist 's role was then largely one of encouraging him to pursue tasks relevant to the problems and providing him with support while he was doing so .
16 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
17 He had found a niche at once with the men , but she told Julia that she had been unhappy for months , struggling with the other women to force local villagers to disgorge food , humping it back up to the camp and preparing it under extraordinarily difficult conditions .
18 And er then I would see the two two or three cleaners coming out and going on to the coach and cleaning them , and I would say to them , What are they for ?
19 In the kitchen , you can provide temporary extra outlets at worktop level by fitting a four-way strip adaptor to the wall and plugging it into a nearby socket outlet .
20 Tony Heginbottom incorporated the tradition , however , when he revived Spaw Sunday by going early to the well and surrounding it with boughs of may and holly and bunches of wild flowers .
21 Left alone with Carrie , Joe sat watching her pour the boiling water into the earthenware teapot , and after bringing it to the table and setting it on a stand , she smiled at him and said softly , ‘ How are you ? ’
22 ‘ Well ’ Peggy drained her glass before walking to the table and placing it in the tray , and her back to her mother , she , said , ‘ When one is an executive one must act like an executive , must n't one ? ’
23 Something at the back of his mind was pushing its way to the front and giving him a curious grey feeling .
24 Line clips and foam rubber stuffed into the butt ring are , respectively , a means of applying tension to the line and sustaining it .
25 If she met an alien in Wandsworth High Street , she 'd be telling it the way to the supermarket and offering it free babysitting before you could say ‘ flying saucer ’ .
26 An inexpensive alarm can be made by fitting courtesy light switches to the doors and connecting them via a relay to the horn .
27 Spread all the remaining green royal icing over the cake drum around the stable , and stipple it to create a grass effect by placing the flat side of a palette knife on to the icing and drawing it upwards in little strokes .
28 When the fish are placed in the breeding tank courtship will normally start within minutes , the male displaying to the female and driving her into the floating mops .
29 Any minute and he would be inviting her through to the bedroom and urging her to call him Alexander !
30 Task 1 could be the interrogation of a database file to produce a list of customers in a geographical area , selecting fields relevant to the task and listing them in a format most useful to area sales reps .
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