Example sentences of "to which [pron] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Very few environmentalists would choose to engage in a debate about the extent to which they had either succeeded or sold out .
2 Within that total ministers would bid for funds , but that total to which they had collectively agreed should not be breached .
3 There was , of course , a mortuary chapel — indeed Kensal Green had two chapels , so that Anglicans and Dissenters , even in death , could remain segregated ; but the dead had become divorced from the Christian communities to which they had once belonged .
4 Conversely , many headquarters staff saw those in the field as too narrowly concerned with the running of their own prison establishments , and resistant to any suggestion that they should be called to account for the extent to which they implemented nationally agreed policies .
5 Indeed , the term ‘ dramatic statement ’ , to which they become quite attached as the book proceeds , perhaps takes us too firmly in the direction of propositional knowledge translated into dramatic coding .
6 In British public schools , for instance , not only are the majority of pupils deliberately drawn from that small section of British society committed to the standards which the public school promotes , but teaching staff are similarly rigorously selected , not merely on the basis of academic competence , but also on the basis of the extent to which they have successfully internalised the standards they are expected to foster among their pupils .
7 It was intended purely to acquaint us with a field of art historical research to which we had very limited access and to give us the opportunity of establishing a dialogue .
8 The main argument was , of course , the overcrowding of city graveyards , to which we have already referred .
9 But Exodus 1.8 read , ‘ Now there arose a new king over Egypt , who did not know Joseph , ’ and then began the story of Egyptian brutality and oppression to which we have already referred , and after that we are back with the tales of the Israelites ' stubborn complaining in the wilderness with which we have become so familiar .
10 Now the Passover was meant to be held annually , and together with the Feast of Unleavened Bread which immediately followed it , was one of the week-long festivals to which we have already referred ( see Deut.
11 Let us take as reasonably authoritative pronouncements the address by MacGregor and Howell to which we have already referred and the recommendations of the Speaker 's Commission to the National Curriculum Council .
12 Not only are defendants who are committed for trial in the Crown Court at risk of heavier penalties than magistrates are likely to impose ( see below ) , but the increased numbers are also likely to add to the already serious problems of delay in the Crown Court to which we have already referred .
13 Part of this has to do with the lack of systematic training to which we have already referred .
14 His principal criticism is one to which we have already referred : that Jakobson does not differentiate linguistic features which are perceptible to the reader from those which are not , and which therefore remain ‘ alien to the poetic structure ’ ( Riffaterre 1966 : 207 ) of the text .
15 And without such plea , none of the background to the case to which we have briefly alluded can ever be placed before the jury : the only issues arising would be whether or no the publication was defamatory and , if so , what should the damages be .
16 We propose , for convenience , to deal in turn with the three issues to which we have just referred .
17 Only individuals can fill out questionnaires , be interviewed , respond to attitude scales , be observed , and so on , and yet , very often , these are used as evidence for , or descriptions of , the supra-individual phenomena to which we have just referred .
18 Yet , rather than think out new and just ways of distributing the riches to which we have all fallen heir , it uses those riches as the basis for deadly quarrels .
19 Maximum production has been the slogan to which we have all adhered .
20 It would be possible to suppose , for instance , that the true Schrödinger-like equation , whatever it is , involves non-linearities which enforce a violation of the superposition principle for very complex systems , whilst essentially preserving it for simple systems to which we have actually applied quantum mechanics .
21 We want to know — The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) can leap up and tell me — the House would be delighted to hear from him — how he will cover the difference between the £10 billion of extra taxation to which his party has already committed itself and the £35 billion of extra spending to which it has also committed itself ?
22 And as Joe Lucas was unwinding from the pitch to which he 'd momentarily raised himself , Lucy was seated at a side-table in a Wardour Street coffee shop .
23 McCandless kept the woman with him and reached another rock , to which he clung totally exhausted .
24 In January 1340 Edward formally assumed the title of king of France ( to which he had already laid claim in 1337 ) , perhaps to make his Flemish allies feel that they were legally entitled to help him oppose their traditional lord , the king of France .
25 Chatichai had turned down the leadership of the party to which he had formerly belonged , Chart Thai , on July 2 citing old age ( he was 70 ) and political reasons .
26 ‘ Oh , be quiet , do , you stupid dog ! ’ scolded the housekeeper , slapping the animal smartly on his nose so that he leapt back down off the bed on to which he had just jumped .
27 There was no point in past music with which he had to reconcile what he wanted to say , or to which he had necessarily to make reference .
28 In the midst of these preparations — Richard Duke of Gloucester , his brother , having already taken Berwick and occupied the fortress — the king had been seized with a virulent fever to which he had quickly succumbed .
29 There is evidence that Protestant millenarianism , enjoying a resurgence during the civil war period in England , could provide a framework within which Bacon 's program for the empirical sciences gained an extra impetus — despite the fact that Bacon himself had been hostile to any religious movement that might threaten the fragile monarchy to which he had constantly vowed allegiance .
30 What seemed to me a golden opportunity came to hand largely through Pearn 's connections with the History department in the University , to which he had now returned .
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